Chapter 5: TF for Too Fine

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Tucker Foley was currently in his room in Vlad's mansion in Wisconsin. Half the room was covered in technology. Vlad called his room a fire hazard, Sam called it a the devolution of mankind, but he called it his Tech Cave.

Ever since the Nasty Burger explosion, Tucker had been keeping tabs on the GIW. He still had the footage from that night, and had several files of all their illegal activities. Tucker had also found several facilities and had been secretly hacking into each of them, removing the occasional firewall he came across.

Tucker had also hacked into the Justice League and Young Justice databases sending the info he thought would be useful in rescuing Danny. He could've straight up sent them Danny's location but even he know where that was since all the GIW cameras were closed circuit and only recently started using cameras connected to a private satellite, therefore using an internet connection allowing Tucker to hack into their video feed.

He had also looked into the reason why the GIW suddenly decided to go more digital. What he found was that the government facility was told to disband around twenty years ago for destruction of property and endangering lives. Instead of disbanding, they went underground and went against the law by telling civilians they were a government agency in order to capture and experiment on ghosts.

They had been doing somewhat well up until five years ago they got into major trouble for trying to steal the ghost portal the Fenton's had been upgrading. Before they could be charged for their crimes, someone payed for the bail and bought the fake agency. It took awhile but Tucker was finally able to figure out who bought the GIW. What he found was very surprising.

Tucker decided to call everyone to the living room, he also told Ember to make sure Jazz actually showed up. As expected Jazz was the last one to arrive, Ember had apparently decided that the best way to make sure Jazz would show up was to carry her there. As soon as the two sat down Tucker started his short presentation.

"Now that everyone's here, I can get to what's important." Tucker started his presentation." So everyone knows about the footage I have of the GIW killing Mr. and Mrs. Fenton." He ignored the sad gasp from Jazz and angry growls from everyone else." Also thanks to my amazing hacking skills we also have major files of the illegal experiments they've done over the years."

"Get to the point, Tucker."

"Alright, I was just tryna recap on what we have, but whatever. Anyway before I was rudely interrupted," he glared at Sam," I was going to talk about my latest discovery. So the first thing I discovered was that the GIW aren't actually a government agency. They used to be but were forced to disband twenty years ago. Which means calling themselves a government agency is illegal."

"The second thing I found out and possibly the only reason I was able to get these files is that Lex Luthor owns said fake agency. I'm not sure how long he's owned them but there's some solid proof that goes back five years."

Everyone let out gasps at that. Vlad was the first to speak up. Didn't the GIW try and steal the ghost portal at your house five years ago, Jasmine?"

"I think so, it happened while Danny and I were at school so I'm not sure. I just remember mom and dad being in a really bad mood for the rest of the week."

Sam suddenly sat up straight," that's around the same time Danny got his powers. Mr. and Mrs. Fenton always took apart the portal and rebuilt it every few years as part of their upgrades."

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