Chapter 11: Circus Gothica

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The boys all heard M'gann before they saw her. She was being chased by two-dimensional creatures. A bat-like creature managed to get tangled in the green girl's hair. "Someone get these things away from me!"

She tried using her density shifting to get the creature out of her hair but once it would get free, another would get stuck. Telekinesis wasn't working well either, the creature would freeze for a moment before breaking free.

Aqualad and Robin were first to act. Aqualad used his water barers to knock the creatures back. Robin took out a couple birdarangs dipped in the red liquid Kid Flash had taken as souvenirs. If his theory was correct then these things will be seriously injured by it. If only there was more time to test that theory, oh well there'll be no going back once he throws them. Robin threw the birdarangs and the creatures disappeared in a puff of green smoke.

Someone let out a high-pitched screech and a glowing green woman with spiky hair and covered in tattoos and had a spiky mohawk appeared. She glared down at the teen heroes before her tattoos peeled themselves off her skin and swirled around everyone but Kid Flash who managed to run out of the room. By the time he came back with more of the red vials, everyone was gone.

Wally groaned, "Why do I have to be the one to call Batman!"

Batman 02

"Call me what."

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Frederick Isak Showenhower, or properly known as Freakshow was putting the finishing touches on what he hoped would be a permanent attraction for his circus. It was by chance that Circus Gothica was in Happy Harber, they were supposed to play one more show tonight before heading to Star City then to Gotham.

A small boy wearing oversized gym clothes and unkept shoulder length black hair that went nicely with his currently blood red eyes. He floated down in front of Freakshow before kneeling on the ground. "Ah Phantom right on time." He quickly gives the boy a once over, frowning at the state he was in. "You're a complete mess, one of the clowns will have to hose you down and give you a haircut before you get into your costume. Is there any way you can change your appearance? You don't seem..." The older man thought for a moment. "You don't seem creepy enough."

Danny closed his eyes in concentration, ever so slowly his raven black hair turn to a mesmerizing white. "Excellent, now get a move on the show starts in ten minutes."

Once Danny was gone, Lydia appeared with Superboy, Aqualad, Miss Martian and Robin unconscious, bound and gagged. "Good work Lydia, it's a shame the speedy one got away but if everything goes according to plan we'll see him and a couple other so called heroes at the show tonight. Make sure they don't cause any trouble before the grande finale." Lydia nodded before disappearing with the four heroes.

A couple hours had passed and the circus was in an uproar, the crowd was loving everything so far. Frederick appeared in the center ring in a puff of smoke and grinned at the crowd. "Ladies, gentleman, freaks of all ages! I hope you aren't ready to leave yet because we have one more special performance for you! Please welcome a new member of our family, Reaper!"

The flood lights moved upwards to a small figure wearing a tattered cloak and holding a scythe. Removing the hood, everyone saw it was a small boy with unnaturally white hair and blood red eyes. He walked to the edge of the platform and stepped onto a tightrope, using the scythe for balance. Once in the very middle, Reaper balanced on top of the sharp weapon with one hand. Flipping off the scythe he started twirling it one handed and continued walking down the rest of the tight rope.

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