Chapter 14: Dash and Harley

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AN: This chapter is loosely based off the picture above. It's by Tumblr user herbatahleb, she's a really good artist. Enjoy the chapter🙃

Batman was currently sitting in front of the Batcomputer in the the Batcave with his cowl down. Robin had just left for Mt. Justice for team bonding at the beach. At least that's what the team was calling their little beach party. That left Bruce with some much needed free time.

"Are you going to be down here all day, Master Bruce?"

"Possibly Alfred. This is the only time I've been able to look at the files Robin got from that facility. I don't want Robin around for what I might find. Danny's arms alone tell you he was abused."

"I see, and how is the young boy's recovery? Master Richard said he seemed to have a healing factor that could rival Clark's and a metabolism almost as fast as Mister Wallace."

"It's probably faster, Danny was abused and experimented on for three years."

Alfred didn't show it, but Bruce knew he was upset by what he heard. "I'll let you get to your research then." Without making a sound, the world's greatest butler left the cave.

Bruce had just gotten through four files when he happened upon a video. So far they were just regular files of blueprints describing weapons and plans for capturing ghosts. Each blueprint contained the name Fenton crossed out and replaced with the word 'ecto'. Bruce made a mental note to search the name Fenton on a later date. Just as he was about to click on the video, an alert popped up on the computer that Harley Quinn had broken out of Arkham Asylum.

Putting on the cowl, Bruce sighed," So much for solo research." He walked over to the Batmobile and sped out of the cave.

It only took ten minutes to find Harley. She had already ditched the Arkham jumpsuit and was now dressed in a red and black crop top, red and black long fingerless gloves, leather pants and boots. She was applying lipstick using a mini compact when a young boy wearing a letterman jacket ran up and hugged her. "Auntie!"

"Little Sweetie!" The two embraced. "How's my favorite nephew?"

"Aunt Harley, I'm your only nephew."

"So what."

Batman hadn't been expecting Harley to be meeting up with a civilian so he decided to stay hidden and see what they'd do. A couple hours had passed and all the two blondes did was hang out and shop. They were now sitting on a bench at one of the many parks in Gotham. "So what have you been up to in Amity Park, Dash?"

Amity Park... It sounded familiar, another thing to research later.

"Well... it hasn't been great the past couple years, but I think it's slowly getting better. At least I hope it is, dad said if one more tragedy happens or he gets possessed again we'll have to move. Talk some sense into him Aunt Harley, dad thinks Amity Park will become a criminal hotspot."

Harley hummed for a second, "Isn't Amity Park the most haunted place on Earth?"


"What about those people you told me about last time? What were they called again, those people that took care of all the ghosts?"

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