Chapter 6: Young Justice Interrogation

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While Zatanna and Miss Martian were using the mindlink to chat with Danny, Batman decided to question the rest of the team on their mission since it was cut short earlier. He soon found the rest of the team in the workout room close by, everyone trying to make themselves look busy. It didn't take long for the teens to notice him.

Batman decided to start with Kid Flash," What did you do to make him run?"

Kid Flash looked nervous at the stare down everyone was giving him. "Well, um, I'm not really sure. When the bioship was about ten minutes away Conner said the kid's heartrate was dropping fast so we tried to open his shirt to get a look at his wounds but it was like no one could touch him, not even Megan."

"What about when you arrived back here?"

"When Conner and I got to the med bay, he was already flatlining so I tried as quickly as possible to hook up the heart monitor and a iv just in case. Since there wasn't any time to find the defibrillator so I decided to use the my lightning to jumpstart his heart and that's when he suddenly disappeared before we saw him flicker in the med bay doorway."

Before anything else could be said, a scream could be heard from the hallway. The team tried to follow Batman out of the training room but he stopped them. "Stay here, I mean it ."He sent a glare to Robin.

When Batman arrived back at the pool room, he hadn't expected Zatanna or Miss Martian to be on the verge of tears, or for Miss Martian to be holding the boy's shirt. Speaking of said boy, he seemed to have passed out and the girls tried to catch him. Looking down Batman saw why they looked so shocked and upset.


The boy was covered in more blood than what was on his shirt. From what Batman could see he had several cuts all over his arms and torso. There were bullet wounds surrounding his stomach and chest. On his wrists were cuffs and broken chains, further on his arms there were electrical burns and injection scars. It didn't take long to find the source of the bleeding was a dissection scar that seemed to have reopened.

Batman quickly covered the unconscious boy and carried him out into the hallway. He tried taking the kid back to the Med Bay but something told him something bad would happen if he did. So instead Batman went to an empty bedroom and set the boy down gently on the bed before going back to check on Zatanna and Miss M.

"We were helping Danny stand up when he fainted. Megan and I tried to catch him but he just density shifted through us and his shirt came off."

"Go to the others while I call Black Canary." Batman waited for the teens to leave before he signed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Whoever harmed this kid was going to pay.


Lex Luther considered himself a patient man. So when the Young Justice team infiltrated a couple of his GIW facilities and found the staff, he wasn't too concerned, Klarion could always make another.

So when he learned that the facility housing his strongest weapon was now in possession of the sidekicks, well that's when patience was replaced with subtle rage.

Lex scowled at all the damage done to the side of the building. It wasn't long before he found the head agent. Agent H was one of the most ruthless men Luther had ever met, which is one of the reasons he was a good agent. The only downside of him was how easy he was intimidated by the rich man.

"Mr. Luther we weren't expecting you for another week." Agent H looked slightly nervous.

Luther gave the agent a creepy smile." I just thought I'd stop by and see how my weapon was coming along. Just one question where did it go?"

"H-he escaped s-sir."

"One more question, where are agents K and O?"

"They're currently checking inventory a couple doors down."

"Thank you, your services are no longer needed. It's nothing personal, I'm just tired of your cowardice." The agent barely had time to react before he was shot in the head and chest.

Walking down the hallway, Lex Luther found the two agents lounging on hammocks with their backs to him.

"I can't believe that freak managed to escape. Hopefully the building will be fixed before Luther arrives so we still get paid."

"Yeah there's still tons of other weapons here, maybe he'd rather buy one of those than that waste of ectoplasmic space."

Clearing his throat, Lex made his presence known." Why would I buy a weapon I already own. Or did you two imbeciles forget that I own your entire workforce."

The two idiots in white scrambled to get out of their hammocks and fell in the process. "Mr. Luther, we didn't see you there. K and I were just taking a break from doing inventory."

"I highly doubt that. Now tell me why I shouldn't make you part of some of my other projects or why you should keep your jobs."

"We put a tracking device in the ghost scum after the second time it tried to escape."

"Then get to tracking. One more mistake and you'll be one of the next experiments Cadmus works on. Also go clean up Agent H."

K and O rushed down the hall and out of the billionaire's sight.

A/N: I hope the scene with Zatanna and Miss Martian seeing Danny's scars was good, I'm better at writing mental injuries and scars than physical ones.

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