Chapter 34

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No one's Pov...

"He hasn't moved an inch." One of the observers says, looking through the camera's as the girl with the red jacket sat in the middle of the room on the floor, the only sign of movement being the rise and fall of her chest.

"Isn't Carnage a they?" Another asks. "It doesn't matter, they're all just animals. Filthy animals that need to be put in a cage." Another says.

"Don't say that. We already have  humans  rights violations being thrown our way, we don't need that getting out to the public." Someone says. "What about the other villains? Any suspicious behavior?" They ask.

"All of their behavior is closer to inmates on the first day. Carnage is the odd one out. Should we send someone to check on her." Someone says. "Call them by their ID number. We've had worse come in here before, and we won't have some psycho sitting still in a cage get in our heads." The man says.

A guard went down to the cell and knocked on the door, before slapping himself in the face, and opening it, as a few guards behind him raised their weapons towards the killer.

"Hi. Do you need something?" They ask. 

"What are you doing inmate 11078-" "I may as well tell you since everything's in place. You greatly underestimated me. Now you're paying the price." They say, as suddenly the white walls fade from white to red and black. 

Patches on the symbiote covered walls open revealing glossed white eyes.

The red and black symbiote painted more than just the walls of his cell. In the observation room, the screens cracked as tendrils of the red and black symbiote broke through, and killed them. 

Before continuing on and attacking more people. The alarms didn't go off despite the destruction and deaths.

Tartarus cells had many very thin gaps, and if something got in those gaps, it would be able to reach a lot of places.

These gaps are so small, that many don't notice them, many others couldn't notice them even if they tried. Even a majority of insects couldn't make it in that gap.

No matter how thing those gaps are, they're still gaps. A small tendril of Carnaged managed to enter that gap, and then make it bigger, while a layer of him made it look like nothing was happening.

Until mayhem was the result. Prisoners were being possessed by Carnage, their minds being taken over, before they were killed.

This pattern repeated while millions were being killed. Until they stood in front of one particular cell, upon which the door opened. On the other side was a woman with pink and purple hair. "Lady Nagant. We know what the commission did. The commission, or atleast the corrupt members of it are no more. Please, come with us." They say.

"Who are you?" She asks. "We're Carnage. More specifically, the girl me is Toga, while the red and black symbiote me is Izuku." They say.

"Where are we going?" She asks. "Somewhere safe. Hopefully for enough time for you to be proven innocent." They say.

The two, or perhaps three walk down the halls, until they reach another cell. Carnage opens the door, and sees Shigaraki.

"Come on Shimura, Mon would be disappointed if I came home without you." They say. He follows, seemingly at a loss for words. They imagine he's wondering what he'll do now that All for One is dead.

Next stops are Kurogiri and Twice. Both of them escape with him, and upon Carnages request, they teleport, as Carnage moves the final piece into place.

They're consumed by purple smoke and vanish.

Outside Tartarus, in a News Helicopter...

"So far Tartarus has made no new statements about if Carnage, an argued Hero without a license, will be released. A crowd of protesters turned up a while ago, and in an hour will be marching across the bridge in protest of their imprisonment. We now return to-"

Tartarus explodes and some of the bridge falls with it into the depths of the sea. "What just happened!?" The reporter shouts.

"Ma'am, I got a notification!" The camera man shouts. "So did I. Can you read what it says?" She asks.

"No. There's too much to cover currently, but it's exactly like what happened when Carnage took down the hero association. A lot of human rights violations though, abuse of prisoners, and other not so pleasant topics that shouldn't quite be said out loud." The camera man says.

"Well folks, it would appear the protest is likely now unnecessary, as Carnage has escaped Tartarus. How? We're not sure, but we'll keep an eye on their website to see if any videos of the escape are uploaded. Back to Otiro for the weather." The reporter says.

At the Warehouse... Carnage's Pov...

Finally, home sweet home. Mon races from the couch and tackles Shigaraki onto the floor, licking his face. The others look around.

"Sweet pad!" Twice says.


"And?" Shigaraki asks. "And what?" Twice asks back. 

"Aren't you going to say something that'll immediately contradict what you just previously said?" He asks.

"We mentally sorted all of that out earlier. Speaking of which, Shirakumo... or Kurogiri, do you feel okay. We were only able to help you so much." We say.

His skin is slightly paler, his hair was the same as before it died, but every now and then, some of it would briefly turn purple, and his eyes still glow yellow.

"I'm fine. Maybe a little messed up in the head, but I'm sure this can all be cleared up with Shota and Hizashi." He says.

"I'm sure it can." A new voice says as Aizawa jumps down into the room.

Along with Mei and Shinso, both in their vigilante costumes. "Where's Present Mic?" We ask.

Then a faint voice comes from outside, not quite yelling, but louder than normal talking.

"Hello. Can someone let me in. It's cold out here."

I extend a tendril through the roof before going back down and picking him up, like a claw machine at an arcade.

"I figured you'd find this place and break in before I got back. A slight disappointment." We said. "These two nearly fought to the death to keep me out. I'm impressed. They also go to UA, right?" He asks.

"Yeah. Also, what'd we say about the warehouse you two?" We ask. "Protect it with your lives." Shinso said.

"What? Ohhhh- Yeah, no. That's what I said about Mon. Anyone can come here and leave, but protect Mon with your life. There are like 50 mostly identical warehouses here, and money is essentially a non-factor for us. We can buy or make anything we need, and although Mon is technically immortal, he deserves the utmost protection and safety." We say as we hug Mon like a Plush Animal.

"Arff!" Then he licks our face, before we start lightly laughing. Lady Nagant starts petting him as well. "This is nice." She says.

"We know. A job that requires killing, whether it's professional or personal, is always quite stressful. It's always nice to just unwind and relax with Mon." We say. Shigaraki nods as he also pets Mon, who promptly starts licking his face.

"Cool. We'll be talking with Shirakumo, over here." Present Mic says. "Okay. We're going to turn on the TV." We say.

"Really? You want to see the news? They're probably only covering what you just did." She says. "You were raised to be a weapon by the hero foundation, right? Here, let us show you the magic of Cartoons." We say.

Soon enough, a show turns on about a bunch of pets dressing up as super heroes, and dealing with minor inconveniences to super villains.

Nagant was confused to no ends by the concept of cartoons, but she enjoyed it nevertheless. Things will, hopefully get better from here.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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