Chapter 31

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When we were told training would begin, we thought we'd be disappointed but they really outdid themselves. Logs were vertically stabbed into the ground, making many pillars in the ground for parkour.

We jump up there immediately and then see a stone statue of a ninja standing across from me on a different vertical pillar.

It started to move and then jumped toward us. We dodged out of the way constantly jumping away and towards the ninja, before we eventually jumped over its back, and then grabbed its shoulders and then threw it into the ground smashing it to bits. "I see Midoriya already found the agility training." Tiger says. "Yes, I have. Will I have to wait for Pixie-bob to come back for another stone ninja?" We ask.

"Yes I will. Now let's do some combat training." He says. We jump toward him and then punch him. He blocks, however we then roll over him with great speed. We then attack him from the back. We then take a branch and smack him in the head.

We punch him in the face as he then sees him twist around to face us. We then jump back as he throws a punch of his own. We jump up into the trees, essentially disappearing from his senses, even without our invisibility.

We then jump down and attack before disappearing into a tree again. We then snap a tree branch off, and then toss it at him. He turns around and then snaps it in half, and then we jump out and punch him in the face before disappearing again. Then we do this again and again.

Eventually he catches up with our actions and punches us into a tree, resulting in a loud snapping sound. Then the tree falls over as we get back up.

"Good one. Now let's check for injuries." He says. Shortly after that we're taken to the medical cabin to see if we had any injuries. We obviously had injuries when we were sent into the tree so hard it snapped, but they'd come and gone very quickly because of our quirk.

We get let out soon and soon see Mirio outside, willing to train us. We run around exchange a few blows and dodging most of them.

It takes a few minutes but soon enough Aizawa and the rest of the Wild Wild Pussy Cats arrive at camp. They arrive at around dinner time.

We decide to make dinner for everyone with Aizawa and the rest of the councilors. After making this meal, everyone ate my food very gratefully. Being the best restaurant(even if others don't know it yet) means we have amazing cooking. The dishes made by us were especially good.

People were shocked by my amazing cooking. So much so that they said that we should open my own restaurant. Anyone who said that to us, we informed them that in a way we'd already had in a way.

We didn't really mind the compliments or take them to our head. So, we went back outside and explored. I searched and found a trail. One that wasn't made by a bus. It was also slightly in the ground, as it the trail was made through an eccentric way. It curved in a rather noticeable way, and not for any particular reason.

I looked towards a tree that was essentially right next to this path. I reached over to it and saw a scaly pattern. Judging from the path below me and the pattern I'd say I'm dealing with a massive snake. I follow the path, running down it looking for the massive predator. With my incredible speed I soon reached the bottom of a cliff. I walk into the cave, and although it was dark, my incredible sensitivity to sound acted as a form of echolocation. I could see an 3d image of the cave around me inside my head, however I didn't sense the snake. I did hear a pool of water.

It was irregular however. The surface had no waves despite their being a breeze, and there was a shape to it. The shape of scales.

We launch a string of myself up to the ceiling of the cave and then rip down a stalactite, stabbing it into the water. It roars in pain, and then a snake of water rises up. We jump out of the cave and then see it charge towards us. We backflip over it as hits the tree. We then form our arm into a blade and stab into it with no effect.

It coils around us and it's body suddenly seems to solidify as its eyes glare into ours glowing as the lightning falls down from the sky, illuminating its body with a bright cyan. Our sword arm breaks off, into its being and begins to liquify.

The red of my arm melts into it as the aquatic snake turns a tint of red as blade also flows into it, and it's eyes become cyan, and shaped more like mine. It uncoils and slithers back into the cave.

Huh? That was weird. Another symbiote Snake creature, probably immune to fire since most of it is made of water. We assume it was the apex predator before it had our powers, however now we might've thrown the ecosystem into complete shambles.

Regardless, it's essentially unstoppable currently, however maybe Mei can help us take care of it later. Or...

We launch ourselves up and toss a boulder in front of the cave, and seal it tight with ourselves. Well, time to go to bed, because it's starting to storm.

Meanwhile in the cave...

The snake crawled up a secret tunnel on the roof of the cave. It then reached a cave at the top of the cliff and then rested next to a few papers ... on those papers, there were drawings of a little boy and the snake. That boy had a red hat which had 2 yellow horns.

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