Chapter 25

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9:00 PM, Hosu, No One's Pov...

Endeavor patrolled the streets with Shoto Todoroki, in search of the hero killer Stain. Something red suddenly hit the back by something red and sticky at the speed of a baseball. Endeavor set it ablaze immediately. Then he turned around, and saw two large white pupil-less eyes, glaring at them. The look itself packed so much hatred, all directed towards Endeavor.

The eyes then closed and disappeared into the shadows. Endeavor and Shoto kept their guard up. Suddenly, Endeavor dodges a knife, also having to push his son out of the way of the attack. His eyes shot toward where the knife came from, landing on the hero killer Stain.

He prepared a blast of fire, however his focused eyes on the hero killer, could not catch the blue light behind him in time. He was engulfed in a burst of blue fire. The blaze lasted for ten seconds before it stopped. The hero killer was out of sight, and Endeavor, was minorly burned.

He looked towards the alley to see a scarred man covered in piercings. Endeavor prepared to assault the man with a torrent of flames, but a red goop was shot and stuck to his arm, pulling it back and forcing the blast to go straight into the ground. Endeavor turned around, and was instantly punched in the face, by the crimson vigilante himself. The vigilante then launched himself away, turning invisible mid-jump.

Shoto Todoroki made a wave of ice and caught Carnage mid-air. Carnage was frozen in place, but not for long as a streak of blue fire blasted out of the dark and melted some of the ice, causing the rest holding Carnage to fall to the ground. Then a knife shot out of the dark again, this time grazing the cheek of Shoto, drawing the smallest amount of blood

Suddenly, before the knife could fully fly through the air, it was stopped mid air, before being sent in a totally different direction. 

Then a burst of blue fire appeared, attacking the 2 Todorokis and pulling both of their attention off of the knife. Shoto blocks with a wall of ice, constantly keeping it cool. Then, he freezes. Shoto stops moving. "I can't move. Don't let him cut you." Shoto says, alerting Endeavor to what was happening.

Then 2 red strings hit Endeavors back, and then toss him into the air. Then Carnage repeatedly punches him and then kicks off of him, disappearing into the darkness. Then blue fire erupted from beneath him, lighting up the area briefly before he disappeared again.

Endeavor used his flames to slam himself into the ground. Then, out of the darkness, Stain slashed at Endeavor with a sword who just barely dodged. Carnage appears out of the darkness from behind him, and slices his arm.

Endeavors arm is ignited in flames, and then backhands Carnage. Carnage is sent flying, his body aflame, as it smashing into a building, but the building wall was unfazed, as Carnage's body was turned to mush. His body extinguished itself and then he disappeared into the darkness.

Endeavor turned around to see Stain gone. Then a faint blue light was seen in the distance, but then multiple sewer lids were sent flying up, one uppercutting Endeavor. Then Stain came up from behind and attempted to slash the flame hero. However, the gleam from the sword, caused by Endeavors flames, gave away Stain's position.

Endeavor dodged and prepared a fiery blast. However then a giant, monstrosity stood in front of the blast, and tanked it. The fire curved around the beast, and it stood there unfazed. Then it punched Endeavor in the face as if the fire it was being bombarded with wasn't even there, sending the flaming hero flying across town. The mindless monster followed, and soon after so did Stain and Carnage.

However, someone stayed behind. The black haired man covered in scars and piercings. "Shoto, stay here. This is going to get better for us." He says. "Who are you?" Shoto asks, slight tones of fury entering their voice. 

"You can call me Dabi, but you'll find out who I am soon enough. First, I have to kill dear old dad." Dabi says, then running down the alley towards where the fight continued. Shoto's mind was flooded with questions, but then, it clicked who Dabi was. "Touya?" Rang out in his head like a gong.

With Endeavor, the fight was getting harder and harder. The monster didn't bother disappearing into the darkness, and any time he focused on one opponent, another managed to attack him. He had enough of this. Endeavor had suddenly caused an area of effect attack, incinerating everything in 5 feet of him, but the radius of the attack was soon expanding.

Carnage and Stain jumped away, but the Nomu stood its ground and continued walking forward, seemingly unharmed by the intense flames. Dabi soon showed up as well, seeing the fire in front of him.

He shot a hot beam of blue fire towards Endeavor. Dabi smiled, knowing it was only a matter of time before Endeavor overheated and couldn't fight anymore. Then the Nomu grabbed Endeavor by the face, covering his mouth and nose.

Endeavor couldn't breath and the beast wouldn't let go. Endeavor couldn't do anything as he struggled against the grip of this monster, and the fire around him extinguished as he tried to fight out this monster and save as much energy as possible, and try to prevent overheating. However, letting down the fire was a mistake as the moment he did, Stain appeared behind him in a burst of speed, chopping off Endeavor's head.

The Nomu's grip on the head remained, as the body fell. The Nomu roared in triumph, and then threw the head with monstrous strength towards Carnage. They caught the head of the number 2 hero in their jaw, chomping down and consuming the number 2 heroes head with a sickening crunch.

Then across the internet, Enji Todoroki's secrets were revealed. His bribes, his blackmail, and everything he's done to his family.

It was all out there in the world, to be seen.

5 hours earlier, Carnage's Pov...

"So does everyone know the plan?" We ask. "We believe so. Guerilla warfare, aka hit and run tactics. When one of us is about to get attacked, the other gets their attention and stops Endeavor from following through. Once me, Carnage and Dabi over here have incapacitate Shoto Todoroki from intervening, you send that Nomu thing after Endeavor." Stain says.

"It'll probably be delayed for at least a minute." Kurogiri says. "We can stall until then. The shortest paralysis time possible is more than one minute." We say.

"Great. Everyone ready to carry out the plan. Wait here, they should arrive at 10:00 pm, but Endeavor is notorious for deciding to arrive an hour early, so we'll show up at 8:50 pm. Shigaraki, I recommend your scout waits here to give the signal for the Nomu." We say referring to parts of the map of Hosu.

"If this fails, I'd be careful closing my eyes at night if I were you." Shigaraki says. "And if it works?" We ask.

"Then I believe we'll throw a party." Tomura says. "Great. I can't wait. Any allergies we should know about?" We ask.

"Only allergic to the falsehoods of fake heroes." Stain says. "Then let's prepare to kill us a monster." We say as we prepare to get into position. I call the hero internship I'm going to and tell them I'm going to be delayed as the train track was crushed by a villain.

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