Chapter 11

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We stood at the entrance of UA. The sun was shining in our eyes.

We smile lightly. We'll get into general studies. We shouldn't be mentioned much, especially considering there will be 40 top place students entering the hero course.

We could get in easily with my intelligence, and we will.

We avoid all interactions. Especially with Bakugou. We got 100 on the test, with my infallible memory. No questions asked about that, Toga would've passed as well, considering she pays attention to most of the stuff we do, whether it's exciting or not.

She apparently is an expert in biology. Turns out murdering people is more effective when you know a lot about the human body.

Either way, we passed.

Then, it's time for the combat exam. Student's usually take it anyways so the principal has a general scale of your abilities and how they'd help with whatever course they're entering.

We do nothing but run. Really, someone quirkless who doesn't work out regularly would fail this easily. We do occasionally jump in to save people, but we don't destroy the robots.

Then, the zero pointer came out.

The robot that was destroying everything in it's path.

Buildings crushed in it's wake. We now truly understand why All Might told me I couldn't be a hero.

Then, we saw a girl trapped under debri, right in the path of the Zero Pointer.

Zero points. Oh well. May as well save her. We grab a pipe on the ground and toss it up into the leg of the zero pointer, so accurately that it cuts vital wires to the giant hulking zero pointer, while we were dodging all obstacles in our way and diving to save the girl. We lift the rubble off of her immediately.

Then, toss it aside as we pick her up and run from the falling zero pointer. It's hand falls in front of us. 

We expertly jump between fingers, not stopping or slowing for a moment. We need to keep going. We finally manage to get out of the falling path of the robot, as we skid to a halt on the asphalt.

"Wow, thanks -"

"No problem. Excuse me, is there a medical professional anywhere?" We shout as we run around with the girl in our arms.

Then, we see Recovery Girl. "Excuse me, ma'am, can you heal her?" We ask her. "Yeah, yeah, let her down." She says.

We do so, gently, and then she heals her. 

We were already walking off though. I don't want to leave that big of an impression. 

So, I left, smiling knowing that I got into UA's general education.

Observation rooms, Aizawa's Pov...

"Who was that green haired kid who took down the zero pointer." One of the observers asks. "Izuku Midoriya." Me and Nezu say at the same time.

I look down at the mischievous principle, with a look of distrust in my eyes. "He was a suspect as a potential identity of Carnage. I attended to see if there was anything missing in his alibi." Nezu says to me. "What evidence made him innocent?" I ask him.

"Classified information, that isn't supposed to leave the mouths of everyone who heard the secret. I assume you met him as well, no?" He asks me. "Met him one day in a formerly crime filled area, emptied out by Carnage. Kid met Carnage apparently." I said.

"Really, how'd that happen?" Nezu asks. "Kid dove in front of a semi-truck to save his dog, then Carnage quickly swiped him into an alley and healed him. The kid is quirkless so everyone told him he can't be a hero, with the exception of Carnage." I say.

I wait for a response to come, maybe a sny remark, but I didn't expect him to say 'So they did get a dog.' under his breath.

"I told him I'd see him at UA if he's bold enough. I guess he was." I say, as I walk away. "Also, if your planning something, don't." I tell him.

1 week later, Carnage's Pov...

"This sucks immeasurably." We say, as we sit in the chair and put the message on loop.

We made it into the hero course because of our large score of rescue points, which we had 115 of, 60 of which were from the 1 zero point robot we destroyed.

Their excuse for moving us into it was that we'd do the same stuff as we would in General Education but more, and apparently, Aizawa told Nezu our whole hero dream thing and accepted us into the hero course.

This sucks.

We got the number 1 spot. We didn't want this, but we'll have to work with it. We'll simply have to show Bakugou we can fight back, and with the power we've been training as Carnage for years. We are definitely skilled enough to take him down, even without using a majority of our arsenal.

Well, this should be interesting enough to reward attention to it.

A few days later...

We were going to UA as a student. Toga couldn't careless, but I was filled with joy, even though I knew I shouldn't be.

As we found 1A due to my extreme hearing, and map, we made it to the classroom. Seeing Bakugou and Iida arguing.

We immediately sneak around them using Toga's no breathing technique and find our seat, right next to Momo Yayorouzo.

Toga found this funny, as I got flustered. Thankfully for me, having full control of my body at all times can help quite a lot.

Regardless, we weren't a tad bit shocked when Aizawa walked in and told us to get our gym uniforms on and meet him outside.

We did so immediately, and were the first one out. "Good to see you again Midoriya." He says. "You too Aizawa. You look well, did you have a coffee with Carnage?" We ask.

"Jesus christ, you know about that?" He asks, in a tired voice. "Of course I do. I spend a lot of time keeping up with Carnage news and Hero media. The event was posted on Carnage's website." We tell him.

Then others start to get out as I realize Kuro Taru made into class 1A(he will be replacing Mineta).

"Okay everyone. Today, you'll be participating in a physical exam using your quirks, if you have them." He says, taking me into consideration.

First on up to throw the ball is us.

We throw it around 90 meters away with the perfect angle and a minor application of force. "Oh, this should be fun." Says Mina Ashido.

"Fun? You think this will be fun? Whoever get's last place is expelled. There, is that fun?" He ask. Oh boy, here goes his tradition of expulsion. Last year, the whole class was expelled.

We didn't get last in any of the challenges, but we weren't first.

This kept happening again and again, with us being an all-rounder.

This got us in 8th place. Something to be proud of we guess. Taru got the last place and we were worried about his expulsion. Maybe we could convince him otherwise and-

"Oh, and that was all just a tactical ruse so you gave it your all." He said as he walked off. He's lying.

He was lying up a storm. We change our clothing and get back to class, almost being unable to hold ourselves from confronting him. I think we'll need to chat with him tonight, as Carnage. Maybe we'll finally see a look of surprise on his face.

Maybe we'll see him get slightly closer to finding out the truth of who we are. Maybe.

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