Chapter 18

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We weren't surprised to see school had been canceled for one more day, due to the fact that robots don't just get up and walk out of blueprints.

It was undoubtedly clear however that we'd be having school tomorrow. They made sure we knew that much from the emails sent to our parents.

Today, we had gotten an idea by using our sensitivity to sound to help up find crimes and stop them.

So, here we are, standing at the top of a building, using large disks created by our body to hear more sounds. We were differentiate most things we'd consider to be white noise, such as cars and what not. In a moment, we hear a bang sound, like a gun was fired.

We swing over. It shouldn't be too far away. We finally arrive to see it was a bank heist gone wrong, with the villains inside taking hostages, with the building surrounded by cops. We sneak in through the vents. Soon, we're in the bank unnoticed.

We then extend out a few tendrils, approaching the robbers.

"Man, if only Carnage were here. Where is he? I don't want to die." We hear a hostage saying. Suddenly, we transform the ends our tendrils into mouths, and chomp down on the heads of the criminals.

"NEVER FEAR, FORE WE ARE HERE!" We shout just like All Might would. The people look at us and start thanking us profoundly. We believe they'd have walked over if it wasn't weary of the piles of blood on the floor.

However, one girl, around 5 years old walked over to us, clearly scared.

"Mister Carnage?" She asks me. "Yes?" I ask in a calm and considerate tone.

"Can I be a hero like you one day, even if I don't have a quirk?" She asks me. A moment of pain stems from within me. This reminds us so much of the situation with All Might. The one that broke our dream.

We smile as we look at her and hold her shoulder. "Of course you can. I'm sure you'll be one of the best heroes of your time." We tell her. She suddenly smiles and hugs me. "Thank you Mister Carnage." She says. 

"No problem." We say as we run to the doors of the bank, open them with joy as we swing away. We had left the smallest piece of us on her, so we could track her later.

We then swing to another crime scene as a group of thugs was booking it out down the street in  a truck.

We swing in front of them, shoot out pieces of ourself onto the road as tacks to pop their tires before we slam down into the hood of their car, our foot smashing through the engine and hitting the road beneath the car, which we then stuck to bringing the car to a direct stop.

As the truck stops, the villains start crying. We stick them to their seats. "You're lucky we just ate, or you'd be in a lot of trouble." We say, as we jump away, as I hear them still crying, presumably of the joy of not dying from me.

We smile as we continue overviewing the city. We were looking for our next crime when Mirio starts calling me. "Hey Mirio. What's up." We say as we transform back knowing very well that our location in this city was revealed meaning everyone was trying to leave the city as soon as possible.

"Nothing much. It's just been so long since we've seen each other. I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch at our table tomorrow at UA?" He asked us. "Sure. Why not? I haven't made many close friends at school yet, but I am finally starting to make some." We say.

Then, we hear something, with our sound detecting dishes still existing, just invisible. "Excuse me. I need to do something." We say as we hang up, transform and then jump off of the building head first, swinging directly to where we heard the criminals.

We swing directly into people selling quirk altering drugs. We form tendrils and pull them all towards us, biting of their heads.

We grab the drugs, and analyze them. These are the strongest quirk drugs we've encountered. They have quirk erasers. Erasers. Before now, the closest thing to this was a suppressor. We look down at the corpses.

We believe a few of the people killed were Yakuza. Knowing this, we call Sir Nighteye. "Who is this?" He asks. "This is Carnage. We just killed some Yakuza and found some pressing information. They've developed quirk erasers. We're sending you the location now. We'll be here to guard it incase some Yakuza try to get their products back." We tell him.

We then hang up, send him the location and wait.

45 minutes later...

They sent 37 yakuza goons to try and reclaim the drugs from me. One of them almost snuck by and got it, but they made the mistake of trying to kill me, to which my danger sense activated and I was able to get the drugs safely to Sir Nighteye.

After that, we decide to visit the little girl who asked us if she could be a hero without a quirk. 

The truth is, we don't quite believe in what we said. We weren't sure if quirkless people could be heroes and be safe at the same time. Being a hero means putting your life on the line in order to increase the chance that others survive, however being quirkless doesn't give the people you're trying to save much of a chance.

Chances are you'll barely slow them down either. So, we'll do what we were trying to do to ourself a few days ago. We break into the house, and enter the child's bedroom. There were numerous hero posters, and one small doll that was crudely painted, probably by the child, to look like us.

We temporarily form a bond with her, and access her quirk organ. We start to manipulate it, and soon enough, she awakens a quirk of her own.

We contemplated giving her a symbiote as well, but we quickly remembered that they needed to eat brains to remain sane. Plus, if she were to suddenly have our power, people would know that something's up with us, and before we know it, some corrupt person will be mass producing an army of Carnage.

So, we left and went home. Mom never questioned why we were late anymore. She knew we weren't up to anything bad(morally), and that we didn't come back hurt, and that was good enough for her.

Mom was already asleep, so we won't bother talking to her tonight. We go to our room and sleep.

Meanwhile at the Yakuza base...

"Excuse me, Overhaul sir?" A grunt asks. "What is it?" He asks in a calm yet dangerous tone.

"Carnage stopped the deal, and gave the products to heroes. 37  members of our organization died trying to recover the products." The grunt says.

"I see. Tell all members of the organization that Carnage is too dangerous to go after at this moment, and if he is to attack, their main priority is to escape with the products. Understood." He says.

"Yes Overhaul sir." The grunt says. "Good. Now convey this information to the others." 

The grunt then walked off and did so, hoping not to get on his bosses bad side.

The next day, Himoka Satori's(The little girl) pov...

I woke up today. I felt very weird. I start to walk downstairs to get breakfast, but I trip.

Before I hit the stairs, I try to grab onto something. I close my eyes out of fear, but I suddenly stopped falling.

I look around to see shadows extending to the ceiling out of my hand, as I notice my shadow is gone. "MOMMY! DADDY! I HAVE A QUIRK! I HAVE A QUIRK!" I shout getting their attention. They look up at me and smile. They run up the stairs and hug me.

"This is wonderful deary. Let's go to the doctor and find out what it is. Okay?" Mom asks me. "Sure, but can I have breakfast first?" I ask.

"Of course. I made your favorite." Dad says as we go to the kitchen.

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