Chapter 1

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Izuku Midoriya's Pov...

Not all men are made equal. I'm sure of that. In this world, 80% of the population has some sort of super power called a quirk. I'm not part of this 80%. Besides, even if I was part of this group of people who had super powers, there was a chance those powers wouldn't be super.

Regardless, my life is horrible. Today, I was told to kill myself, my notes were for the most part destroyed, I almost died and my idol told me to give up on my dream. 

Now, I'm walking home through an alley, taking a shortcut home, not wanting to waste any time. Then someone grabs my head and I feel a stabbing pain in my back. Literally.

I couldn't see their face, an when they spoke, I couldn't tell anything about them. Their tone was so emotionless, it became difficult to tell what their gender is. "Your death isn't necessary, but is does bring me joy." They say with that joy showing up in their voice, just slightly giving me the feeling of a male being the one who stabbed me.

He then leans me against a wall. My body is so tired from fighting against the sludge villain and holding onto All Might, that I just can't go on anymore. Especially now that I've been stabbed. I try to open my eyes, but in an instant, I feel an unbearable pain in my skull and sockets, but my throat just couldn't scream. After nearly dying to the sludge villain, I couldn't find myself with the air in my lungs to breath.

Then, I feel another stab wound in my heart. It's quickly pulled out however. Then, I hear their footsteps walkaway. 

Then, I felt my blood, I felt it all flow out of me. I tried to move my arm, move anything, but I couldn't, I was too tired. But, one thing I noticed about the blood on my skin, is that it felt thicker, and slimier than blood. I've only ever seen heroes bleed, but the way I saw them bleed, doesn't feel like the way I'm bleeding now.

Then, just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder, I could see again, not through my eyes though, I could see my corpse in front of me.

I look down at myself, and see I'm the blood now. Did my quirk only just now kick in? Did I have a quirk after all these years. Why did it only now activate?

I look around and see someone walk into the alley. They looked like a student as well. They walk into the alley, and look down at my body. Instead of calling for help or for the police, she runs a finger through my blood, and then puts it in her mouth, transforming into me.

Quickly, out of pure instinct, I lunge onto her, and-



 -seep into her skin? I'm not entirely sure. I then start seeing through our eyes.

Wait... our? I'm already so confused.

"What happened? What was that? What happened to his blood?"

"I don't know!" I mentally shout at her somehow. "Who are you?" She asks.

"Izuku. Izuku Midoriya. I'm the corpse that is in front of you. You know, I could actually use some help. You see, I was just murdered, and it would devastate my mother if she found out I died, and since I saw you use your quirk to look like me, I figured you could help me?" I ask her. "Why? What do I get out of it?" She asks me.

For some reason, by this point I had seen all her memories. Her parents abused her for her quirk, calling it monstrous, then Toga ran away recently while still attending school, and became a psychopath, who killed people, lots of them, and drank their blood.

"Because I can offer you a chance to escape the life you've been living. You obviously don't like the school you go to, since everyone calls you a monster for your quirk. I can't guarantee we'll be treated better, as I'm quirkless, but at least you'll feel love from my mother Inko." I tell her. She seems to consider this, before finally asking me, "Fine. What do we do first?"

"Well first, we need to dispose of my body. Any ideas?" I ask her. "Well, we could chop it into tiny bits, and drop it in the sewer, or we could put it in a dumpster close by and- ... Is it just me or are we extremely hungry?" She asks.

"You know what, I think I am." I tell her. Then, I feel our body expand, we grow larger, taller. We grab my previous corpse and munch away at it, and not even a minute later, the whole thing is eaten. Once we finish, we look down at my former corpse.

I'm in complete shock. The only thing left, was my backpack. The backpack that my killer removed from my back to make the stab more efficient. Inside my bag, was a few things. Thankfully, after the sludge incident, I'd taken everything out of my clothing and put it in my bag, so nothing was really lost accept for my school uniform.


"Are we just going to ignore the fact you ate your corpse in like, 17 seconds. Also, I've tasted flesh before, you taste horrible." Toga tells me. "Maybe the blood adds flavor. Anyway, it would appear I'm more powerful than I thought. Toga, with my quirk and yours, we could be unstoppable. However, we can't be a hero. Neither of us could get away with it, since no one knows this is our quirk. You're quirk involves transforming into someone through the consumption of their blood, nothing like the quirk we have, and I was quirkless. We need to register our quirk if we want to be a hero, and then more questions would be brought up. How we met, how I have your DNA and you have mine, eventually leading to them asking you to go back home and-"


"We'll also have to find some way to satiate our hunger. Society is too judgemental for us. If people hated you for drinking blood, our appetite would ruin our life. We can be a vigilante I guess, a lethal protector if you would, but our actions would never be appreciated, and worst of all-"

"IZUKU!" Toga mentally shouts at me. "Yes...?" I ask her, a tad bit embarrassed that I was mumbling.

"That's great and all, but didn't you say something about your mother earlier." Toga points out. "RIGHT! We got to get their now!" I mentally shout.

Quickly, I transform myself back into, well, me and run towards my home. I got their in a few minutes.

I- no, we are going to need to train with our new powers soon. A door of possibilities has just opened for us.

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