Chapter 12

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We called Aizawa on his phone.

He was very confused, and infuriated.

We told him we'd meet him on the roof of UA, and we could tell he was very upset to see we actually made it, though granted, he was on the wrong roof at first and there was no way to jump over here(without a grappling hook like mechanism using stickiness instead of claws) so he had to go back down the stairs and all the way up again, so that might be why he looked so furious.

"Hey Shota? How's life?" We ask. "Pretty bad, I'd say we need to update our security considering you managed to get in without being detected. Why'd you call me?" He asks immediately.

"You lied today, during the class 1-A quirk comprehension test. We're not talking about the 'tactical ruse', we're talking about the fact that you definitely would've expelled them if they showed no potential. So why'd you lie?" We ask him. "They all had potential. Besides, one of them definitely saw through as well, Izuku Midoriya. Tell me, are you him?" He asks.

"No. He is a student of ours, though in his dreams. He's aware, but it's usually just us helping him train his body. Ever since we bonded with him after the semi-truck thing we left a part of ourselves with him to supervise him. He now can use some of our powers, but not much. He can minorly boost his strength and speed, he's more flexible, he has a danger sense, enhanced senses, and has minor regeneration. Please don't let him know that though, he already gets into enough trouble as is, him knowing he can heal doesn't exactly give us comfort with his already abundant amount of self-sacrifice. He can't heal like we can." We tell him.

"Makes enough since. Fine, I won't. Now," He says, as he smacks us with his scarf, and launches us off the building sending us falling into a jar, that is quickly shut behind us.

"You know, you can't say this was completely unexpected can you?" Present mic says. "We must say, we're impressed, this container must've been saved for an occasion when you knew where we were. Did Eraser Head getting onto the wrong roof of the building just distracting us so you could have extra time to set this up?" We ask.

"No. You should really specify which roof for future reference, but that won't really matter." He says. "Oh it will." We say.

We turn our arm into a drill and shatter the jar immediately. "It was a good plan, a small space like that would've proved difficult to escape from because of the lack of space to build up the force required to shatter it with a punch or kick. But I can transform my body into anything I'd need to escape. So, this is goodbye. Maybe we'll get to work together one day, Hizashi." We tell him, as we jump away.

"Hey not so fast."

Then, he screams.


We were bombarded by his scream, and that hurt.

It hurt.

It's been almost a full year since we've felt pain, and we can now say with confidence, we don't enjoy pain.

We scream in mid-air as tiny tendrils of ourselves extend out, and my symbiote body starts peeling back, revealing some skin of Toga's.

After a few seconds of what felt like unending agony, we were free, as his shouting stopped. We then swung away as fast as possible.

Note to self, sound hurts.

That is a weakness we can't tolerate.

"It would appear we need to force a quirk awakening ." 

"What's that?" Toga asks. "When someone put's their body through situations so stressful and taxing, the only hope of survival is for the quirk to evolve. This won't happen immediately though, and must happen while the body is under extreme pressure, and causes the quirk to adapt a new feature that'll allow it to defend against the exterior force, or just make the quirk more powerful in general. In this case, using excessive amounts of sound should helps us, whether our quirk reawakens, or we just develop a natural immunity to loud sounds."  I tell her.

With that out of the way, we go into the city and start hunting villains. It was deathly quiet out, but we knew we were being followed. We could sense them.

"Whoever you are, we know your there. You can talk to us from wherever you hide. We can understand not wanting to be in eyesight of the murderous vigilante Carnage." We say.

"Impressive observation. I was sent by the League of Villains, however we're still deciding whether that should be the name, have any comments on it?" He asks. "Choosing a name that isn't so close to being an acronym for Love." We say in a sny tone.

"Young master says it's a reference to a game he plays." He says. "Is it undertale?" We ask him.

"Not sure. I'm not as dedicated to video games as he is." He says. "Has he tried to break the thing he plays on in anger after he keeps dying to a skeleton?" We ask.

"Yes, he-"

"It's definitely undertale. The reference is how you level up, which has the Acronym, of Love, being Level of Violence, with the E at the end being included in the acronym for some reason. Seems like he has more sense though." We say.

"Regardless, I'm here to recruit you-"

"No thanks. As much as you seem like a nice guy, we don't really want to hurt innocents. We'll let you leave alive though. We understand you guys might have intentions that don't abide by the law, like us, but we're afraid we can't join. Also, Iwe work best alone. We see ourself as the whole solution to the problem. Having teammates to worry about would only slow us down. Your offer is very interesting, but for now, We'll have to decline. However, if you need help removing a rivaling criminal faction from Japan, you can find us on our forum." We say, as we jump away.

"Why did you let him live?"  Toga asks me. "Because, he knew powerful people. He had someone he called Master. Young Master, meaning there's an old master. An experienced Master. Someone who might have access to police files, files which will soon contain my weakness to sound. Sound which doesn't even need to be generated by a quirk to be extremely loud and dangerous to humans, let alone someone with a weakness to it." I explain.

"Won't they still be upset we denied them. I mean, we're a very valuable asset Izuku." She tells me. "Why of course you are my dear." I tell her flirtatiously.

"Aww, thanks. You know what I mean though, we're so good at killing and so hard to kill. Us not being on their side will surely upset them." She tells me. "Yeah, but me willing to occasionally assist them should be enough for the time being. Right now, so long as I'm not directly targeting their work, I shouldn't be enough of a threat to waste the resources required to eliminate me." I tell her.

We soon arrive back home. We lightly open the window, and sneak back into bed.

Waiting for the sun to rise. Toga was playing games on my phone while I was planning finding out tomorrow's lesson plans, which didn't exist because UA teachers can do just about anything to teach their students. So I ended that pointless information hunt and started looking for anything on the League Of Villains.

Only information is that they're recruiting a lot of guys for this mission they've got planned.

No matter. I can deal with anything they have to throw at me.

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