Chapter 10

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It's been 8-9 months since we started virtual school. We've grown quite comfortable with the warehouse. We've made some deals by disguising ourselves, using a fake ID we made to give them the money needed to buy this property. We now own the warehouse legally.

Maybe we'll invite a future friend over. Someone coming over to our little home away from home doesn't automatically give away the fact that we're a vigilante.

If anything it'll make people think we're not a vigilante and that we're some delinquent taking advantage of things he has no right to use.

That is, if anyone finds out about our little slice of heaven here. I mean, this place has so obviously been attended to, no one with common sense is going to be enter.

The more interesting stuff has been going on outside of our warehouse though. Our influence had spread exponentially with me swinging to other cities. We're faster than a train while running.

This usually wouldn't be possible, but turns out that the stronger Toga gets, the more my power enhances her. Therefore, Toga decided to get ripped. She had muscles similar to that of a certain pro-hero.

Their real identity was Nana Shimura, but we don't know her hero name. She was associated with Gran Torino and supposedly All Might.

Not sure why though.

Regardless, we're now publicly famous and legally infamous.

So many government officials and heroes found us intolerable, but quite a few of them have learned about us. If we weren't fighting or arguing, we'd probably be like old friends from college.

We always act that way to them, but they almost always hate us. Some times, when we're lucky, we have to begrudgingly work with one another, causing us to grow closer.

Like that time me and Death Arms were stuck under a collapsed building for 20 minutes, both of us were stuck holding debri off the victims.

We weren't as stuck though, and were really having our tendrils constantly removing pieces as if the whole thing was one complicated backwards game of jenga.

We talked a bit. He got to know us, our motivations, he asked why we had the name Carnage if we saw ourselves as a hero, but quickly countered with why his name is Death Arms.

Then there was that time we and Mount Lady faced down a group of super villains.

The team-up had skyrocketed both of our popularity unbelievably. It was pretty common for us to work with heroes, but it had never lasted as long, and was almost never caught on camera. Our website now has millions of accounts on it watching as many of my videos as possible as theorist come up with our possible identity.

Sometimes, our videos are even broadcasted on the news.

We can't leave out the time we helped the Water Hose Heroes kill Muscular. We saved so many civilians. They weren't overjoyed they witnessed us commit a murder, but they thanked us for saving lives like a hero should.

With incidents like this being practically inevitable, a lot of heroes have grown close to us, and although legally obligated to take us down, we can tell they don't give it their all.

It was nice to be appreciated like this. To be seen as a hero, to not be hated wherever we go. We don't run into Kacchan at all. No one has even brought up virtual school to our mother, and Mon has been getting more active.

We make sure to run with him every morning. Also, we and Togata became friends. He offered to meet in person, so we agreed. Actually, that's what we're doing today.

"Hey, are you Mirio Togata?" We ask as I meet him. "Yeah, I am. You must be Izuku Midoriya." He says.

"You bet I am. So, you're Lemillion. I've only heard good things about you. You intern at Nighteye's Hero Agency, and- "BARK!" Oh right, this is my dog, Mon." We say as we pick Mon up and show him to Togata.

"Awww! He's so cute." Nejire says. "Nejire Hado, Tamaki Amajiki, Mirio talks a lot about you. You must be close." We say.

"We can say the same about you and Mon here. You send us so many pictures of you 2 together. Like the time you sent Mirio a picture of Mon in your lap, with you holding 2 ice cream cones, with Mon licking one and you eating the other. By the way, how did you take that photo?" Nejire asks.

"I asked someone to take it for me. They were very considerate." We tell them. "There's aso that picture of you and Mon on the couch, with him having the remote in the mouth." She says.

"I had to chase him for a while to get that back." We say. "You also apparently decided to dress Mon up as Togata in hero costume, and then he conveniently he got stuck in a doggy door, as you described, before you took a picture and texted, 'Lemillion be like.'" Nejire says.

We then started laughing insanely. It was insanely funny and always will be. Tamaki's the only one not laughing because he's currently looking away very shyly. He's also holding Mon who is relentlessly licking the side of his face, with Tamaki lightly petting him.

"Man, that was insanely funny. Maybe I should do that with other heroes." We say. "Oh my gosh! That'd be amazing. You should post these publicly." She says.

"Yeah. You know what, I think I will. Anyways, you guys want to get something to eat. I know a restaurant that makes some of the best food in this part of town. They even let pets in, so long as they aren't too troublesome." We say.

We then go to the restaurant. They seem pretty impressed. "WOW! This food is good. How'd you come across this place. How'd you find it?" Mirio ask. 

"Well, I was walking Mon one day, and got hungry, so I googled restaurants that allow pets inside, and then found this place. The food is just made with the perfect combination of spices, and they aren't that rare or expensive, so the food isn't either." We say.

In truth, we made the restaurant using some money we got from criminals. That's actually the reason we made this restaurant, because we can't keep using criminal's money. They'll catch on eventually.

So, we made this restaurant and used our insane taste buds to find the perfect combination of spices. Truth be told, the way food is made is automated by this simple robot we made.

It grabbed ingredients and made food almost immediately, with it being the employee's job to deliver it to the customers, and unlike with most restaurants, we pay our employees salaries that they can live off of.

We occasionally work here as well. It's a fun way to pass time, and Mon knows when to behave. Of course we made friends with some of the employees, well, one of the employees.

They were a weird fella. His name is Kuro Taru and he can vomit large amounts of a tar like substance, and we mean a lot. He lacks confidence though, and has black slime on his head instead of hair, and his eyes base color was black with his pupils being orange.

We managed to encourage him to try and get into UA. It should be easy enough.

We smile as we continue to talk with Togata and his friends. We think we finally know which school we're going to, and which classes we'll be taking as well.

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