Chapter 29

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It was nice to be able to shop with friends. In both our lives, we've never went to the mall because we never had anyone to go with besides our family. We could hear them talk about us and how much of a freak we were, whether it be our lack of what they have, or the small things that make us unique.

Regardless, now we can come here without worry, without care for what they think.

Now, we're more than most of them will ever be. That really couldn't be said about our past selves, despite how much we'd have argued against it, things really were hopeless for us back then.

Not anymore though, now we have friends who're willing to shop with us. Unfortunately, they decide to split.

Now it was just me and mon. I decided to sit down on a fountain when suddenly, I feel someone grab my neck, with only 4 fingers.

If I had to guess, I'd have to say Shigaraki only needed one more to dust me. "Hello Tenko, or do you prefer Tomura?" I ask him. "Nothing gets by you kid. I go by Tomura nowadays. I'd like to ask how you even know my previous name." He says.

"Mon still remembers you, and I learned through his memories about you and your family. I'm sorry about Hana, but the rest of your family probably deserves what they got. Negligence of a crime is still a crime if there is something you can do about it." We say.

"One of the reasons I'm here is I'd think you'd make a fine addition to the league kid, what do you say?" He asks. "We're afraid we can't accept, we already made a different agreement with the league." We say, as we briefly have some red and black goop cover our neck, as the eye we let look towards him goes pupil-less, before we return to normal.

"So you're Carnage?" He asks. "Yeah. Kind of why we refused to join earlier with the invasion of the USJ. Just so you know, we don't plan to take you down yet. We want to know your plan. Why do hate All Might so much?" We ask him.

"Why do I hate All Might? Because he's the only one holding this stupid society together. I want the world to see just how fragile their society is." He says. "Understandable. This society is filled with cracks of corruption. We target the cracks of society themselves, however truth be told, All Might's just duct tape holding this corrupted society together. We don't want to kill him, but we do acknowledge that he is a problem. So long as he's flawless, it'll be harder for anyone to see the flaws of other heroes, like Endeavor." We explain.

"I see. So in other words, you need people to see All Might's worst so they'll finally acknowledge that if even All Might isn't perfect, no hero is, so they'll finally see every heroes flaws and the police will be forced to address it, right?" He asks. "Yeah, they're already kind of doing that now that I burned down the hero association and killed all the corrupt members we could find, but it seems the replacements thus far, are nearly as corrupted, and are receiving bribes from multiple companies, worst part is that we can't really stop all of these crimes alone." We say.

"Need help? I'm pretty sure I know at least someone who can be lent to you." He says. "No need. As we said, we couldn't stop all these crimes alone. Especially with summer camp coming up. Thankfully, we have quite the friend coming into the job. We believe their codename is Venom." We explain.

"Essentially a vigilante sidekick?" He ask. "Yeah, mainly the same powers as me, with some more. It'll be fun to have a team up with someone consistently. Do you want Mon back?" We ask.

"I wish I could say yes, but I'm afraid I'm not the best pet owner. My quirk destroys practically everything I touch, and I use it so often I forget to put on my gloves which cover some of my fingers." He says. "Oh, it's completely understandable. Feel free to visit our home away from home. The one you saw on the day you had a Nomu stalk me after school." We say.

"Oh, and before I leave, whose memories did you push into Kurogiri's mind at the USJ?" He asks. "We didn't. It was a mind rush, where we just take a bunch of memories, whether you remember them or not and then just force them through your current thought process. If he had no idea he had those memories, he must have some form of memory loss suppressing them. I don't know what he remembers, but I recommend he looks into it, since it seems like he has a second life he doesn't know about." We say.

"Okay. Later." He says as he gets up and walks away. We'd have reported the incident to the police, but that'd mean talking to Tsukauchi again, and we couldn't really perform any half-lies to avoid them finding out we're Carnage without rewriting Toga's memories, and even if we did that, at the end of the day, mom would still end up finding out we have a dog.

As such, we just let the incident slide. So, we walked home with a a bag of summer items, and some new ideas for my hero costumes.

It only took a phone call to Mei for her to be interested. We could hear her sketching it out as we described it to her. On our way home we saw our partner in black swing by and take down some criminals.

This is going to turn out perfectly, or it seems it's going to, which is why we know something is going to go horribly wrong.

Never under prepare, always over prepare.

We pack my bags full of support gear from both my costume, and a few gadgets inspired by other heroes.

Come at us world, cause we'll come right back at you with an arsenal.

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