Chapter 24

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"Okay, so remember when I told you that you didn't want to meet my family because you'd want to kill them for discriminating against me?" We ask. "Yeah, and then a few months after you disappeared they died in a car crash with what appeared to be a sabotaged engine." Mei says, oddly specifically.

"Okay, not going to delve into that, but thanks. Anyways, after running away, I met a kid name Izuku Midoriya. He was dying and begged for me to do everything in my power to make sure his mother didn't know he died once he saw my quirk. So, I promised him that I would. I transformed into him, and now, I'm always able to transform into him. After a while, my identity was revealed to the police and now I'm legally known as Izuku Midoriya. Then, well, I got a dog and got a hero costume which is essentially an extra large Carnage Onesie. Apparently, he was like you. Shy, muttering, unrespected despite their talent because of their lack of a useful quirk. It's a shame he died, but if he didn't, I'm not sure I'd have met you again." We tell her.

"Thank you Toga. I'm grateful you told me the truth. I got bored during the festival, so I decided to hack the police database and figure it out myself incase you tried lying." Mei replied.

"I think she inherited just a slight bit of your craziness." Izuku tells Toga. "Oh really?" She asks him sarcastically, her attention still really on Mei.

"I didn't know that you could hack. When did you learn that?" We ask. "A few days after you disappeared in an attempt to hack into traffic cameras so I could find you. Never did though." She says.

"You really still love me, don't you?" We ask her. "To be fair, you dumped me after stabbing someone, and then ran away. You could've been killed in an alley and no one would've known because no one knew where you were. I was actually about to send out drones to search for your genetic signature next week." Mei says, way too casually.

"You know, you seem to have gone kind of crazy since I ran away." We say. "Oh definitely. I almost completely devoted myself to religion hoping to see you again. I mean, can you see me choosing faith over science. God, that've been horrible. Regardless, now that I know you're okay, my anxiety over you not being okay has calmed down and I should go back to normal. See you whenever you need support gear or feel like visiting." Mei says as she walks away.

"Let's hope that works out." Toga tells Izuku.

They then search the vast world for some extra hands in killing Endeavor. We almost have everyone we need, just one more will help. We call Stain. "Who is this? How'd you get this number?" He asks.

"Carnage knows a lot of things. We need some help killing Endeavor, and we both know he is the one of the fakest heroes that their are. So, what do you say? Are you in?" We ask, getting straight to the point.

"I am. Where will the execution take place?" He asks. "We went through his files. He's tracked you down to Hosu. He'll be going there soon to attack you. We and some people we know have bad blood with the flame hero will also be showing up, to help dig the grave. You never can have too many helping hands." We say.

"I'll see you soon, Carnage." Stain says, as he hangs up. We smile, as the pieces fall into place. We call in the league of villains, along with our mysterious villain to inform them where and when we'll attack Endeavor.

He'll be in Hosu due to hunting Stain, and he knows Stain's pattern of killing at least 4 corrupt heroes per city. Endeavor will also want a chance to train Shoto at his agency, even though there is a large chance he won't accept in his eyes. However because of my talk with Shoto, we think he realized he needs to be prepared to use his fire in a fight and that right now, he isn't very skilled with it, and as such, will go to Endeavor's agency, not because of family relations, but simply because it's the best.

As such, Shoto will be there when we try to kill Endeavor, however, maybe he'll stop if we show him that we have no intention of harming him, just his father. Or Maybe Izuku would just happen to see Todoroki fighting off so many villains and decide to swoop in and carry him away from the madness after Stain paralyzed him. Or Carnage could simply stick Shoto to the wall and tell him they know what Endeavor has done, and that they can't simply forgive him for it, even if Shoto has.

That should be enough to stop him from trying for a few moments, which should be enough time to kill Endeavor if are attacks are coordinated enough. All we need is for someone to get Endeavor's blood to Stain, and the fight will be over. Kurogiri can make a portal, put half of Endeavor through it and close the portal, cutting him in half.

Granted, Endeavor could still use his fire to propel himself and attack, but he'll have less control over his motion and aim. Besides, we have an idea on how to make his fire less of a problem.

Until the plan is started, we have a lot of free time to kill. Also, Toga's Ex, who might soon be our girlfriend, is in the support department, so we do what anyone would do in this situation. Think of potential support gear items and costume upgrades.

Maybe upgrade the jaws material, make my costume more powerful. Maybe get some electromagnetic boots and gloves. That'd be nice.

As we sketch up some designs, night falls, and we smile. We exit our room as we patrol the city, and more for villains, criminals and corrupt heroes alike.

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