Chapter 14

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We were exploring UA high school's many hallways and rooms.

We managed the getting around part simply by making ourselves invisible. As for no one knowing where we truly were, we hacked the camera's of class 1A and after eating lunch, went back to class and started drawing in my notebook and taking notes, with said footage looping back to me flipping a page and drawing again.

So far, we've seen just about all classes, included 2-B, the class Mirio was in(This is 1 year before the UA summer camp thing and as such it is Mirio's second year rather than his third.).

We've explored almost the whole school, when an alarm goes off. We, for the best, decide to cut all camera footage at once and transform back to normal.

Then, we run to make it to the designated area, when we see someone. They had blue hair, and a black hoodie and pants, and a hand on his face as if it was grabbing him.

They came out of the files room. He looked at us in surprise, before running at us, trying to grab us.

We dodged. Our danger sense reacted badly with him. He's trying to grab us so maybe it's a quirk like Uraraka's, one requiring all 5 fingers touching an object to activate.

We grab his wrist and headbutt him.

He falls back for a moment in recoil, before we throw a baseball(Yes, they just has one on them at all times) at him to see what his quirk is when he catches it. His hand reaches up and grabs it. 

It disintegrates near immediately after.

"Kurogiri, get me out of here." A misty purple portal then opens up behind him. The guy from yesterday.

We run forward. "Wait!" We say, as he starts walking through the portal. "ARE YOU SHIMURA TENKO!?" We shout as we run forward, hand out stretched and reaching for him.

We can feel him tense up and turn around, even though he was fully through the portal, but then it closed, and we were left without an answer, and if we're correct, so was he.

We decide it's best to get to the designated area for a breach in security. We start running down the halls, knowing exactly where we needed to go.

No one needs to know we saw villains today.

Meanwhile, at the League of Villains Headquarters...

Tomura, just got back to base, looking shocked.

"I assume things didn't go to plan young master." Kurogiri says. "They did, I got the files. They'll be at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint next week." He says.

"Then what is it that seems to be troubling you my young disciple?" A man asks through a black TV screen saying Audio Only.

"Some kid there, knew my old name. They asked if I was Shimura Tenko." He said, causing both him and Tomura to shiver in a slight shock.

"This is... unexpected. I'll look into this. Kurogiri, get ready to send a stealth nomu after the kid, I need to have the doctor add some high grade surveillance equipment to it." He says.

UA, a few hours later...

"So, we've been breached." Nezu says. "Yes, and even though it seems like it was the press, I think we both know someone else was behind this." Aizawa says.

"Yes. From here, I suppose there is nothing else we can do but improve our security." Nezu says. "And how are we supposed to do that when up until now everyone trying to access the premises during the security tests was caught?" Aizawa asks.

"Not everyone. I think you should remember this isn't the first time someone has breached the premises, and I'm sure they'd be happy to tell us where our system could use modification." Nezu says.

"Please tell me you're not thinking of who I think you are." Aizawa says, clearly tired and not accepting of the idea. "I'll ask him later tonight to test out the systems." Nezu says, as he walks back into the building.

Meanwhile with the League of Villains...

The nomu has been following the boy very well. Soon, the kid reached a warehouse, and the Nomu, silently followed behind him, hidden out of sight with camouflage.

Then, the kid entered the warehouse, and a few seconds later, the nomu was on its roof, watching the kid through the overhead windows.

"He has a pretty nice set up, but this seems like a hangout more than anything else." Shigaraki says.

"Mon! I'm back." The green haired boy yells. Shigaraki's eyes widened as his body tensed. Soon, a Corgi ran to the boy, and jumped up into his arms awaiting pets.

The boy sat down and pets the dog. "Guess what Mon?" The boy says, as he pets his dog. "I believe I met your old owner today. I met Tenko." He says, staring at the dog, which reacted instinctively with the name, looking at the owner with something in their eye.

"It seems like he took quite the fall from grace without you Mon. However, I think the group he fell in with cushioned his fall. There was this man named Kurogiri who used his portal to pick him up when he left. I don't know much about him, but from what I know from Carnage, he's quite the gentlemen. I wouldn't be surprised if he was his caretaker." The boy says, shocking everyone watching.

All for One certainly expected no one to know so much from so few interactions. He is most curious of how the kid found out any of this.

"Oh, and he seems to be quite obsessed with games now. Maybe you could get him to be more physically active when you go back to him. He doesn't seem to get out as much as he should." The boy says, as the dog sits down on the couch, nuzzling into Izuku's side.

"Don't worry, he may be a villain, and I'll be a hero soon, but there's no need to worry. I'll make sure to visit often, or maybe he could visit me using an alternate ID. Either way, I know he'll be much happier when he has you back." The boy says, as he then turns on his phone and calls someone. "Mom, I'll be at a friends house tonight, I'll see you tomorrow." He says, with a little more talk between the 2, before Izuku hangs up.

Then, he takes off his phone case, and tosses the case at the light switch turning off the lights to the whole warehouse, before he lays down with Mon and falls asleep on the couch, he lightly pulls on the blanket at the top of the couch, and covers himself with it.

The villains were all shocked. "Does he understand animals as his quirk? How is Mon alive, and how does this kid know anything about me!!" Shigaraki shouts in rage. "No idea, but he is definitely a target of interest from now on. During the USJ incident, try and capture him, so we can ask him some much appreciated questions. I shall be putting some resources into find out some of his secrets as well." All for one says.

Meanwhile, with Izuku...

We were being watched. We knew we were, but this time it was different. They were watching Midoriya Izuku.

We couldn't use our powers without the extreme repercussions of our identity becoming public, so we just did what we'd usually do.

We did see 'Kurogiri out of the corner of our eyes when the stalker first appeared. He was connected to Shigaraki, therefore, we could talk about him, and maybe one day meet him.

Then, we got an interesting request on our website.

MouseBearDog: We need someone to test our security systems and tell us where improvement is needed with them, considering you've already broke in once.

Tomorrow will be interesting.

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