Chapter 23

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The rest of the sports festival should be easy. It has been sometime since we could relax and pay full attention to what was going on around us, given Toga's brief existential crisis about her role in the multiverse.

(A/n: Taru is taking Aoyama's place in the final event.)

We were now able to see the opponents we'll be fighting in the next rounds. It seems we'll be facing Taru if he can make it to the the final round. To do that however, he'll need to be beat Tokoyami and Bakugou.

He certainly can do it, but it's highly unlikely. Still, we're rooting for him. Especially in his fight with Tokoyami. One short match with Iida pushing Shiozaki out of the ring in seconds and now Taru was preparing to leave for his own match.

"A little advice before you go?" We ask him. He looks back and me and smiles. "Yes please." He says.

"Dark Shadow is weak to light. I'm not sure how much that'll help, but it's all I got so far. Good luck." We say. He smiles. "Don't worry, I think I can take care of him." He tells me.

We smile as he walks away. In a few minutes, we see him entering the ring with Tokoyami.

The fight begins. In an instant, Taru runs forward. Tokoyami stands still, and sends Dark Shadow forward. Taru reaches into his hair, and then pulls out a sword, with the blade glowing with heat. He then slices into Dark Shadow, causing the sentient quirk to scream in pain, and fall back.

Taru keeps running towards him. Tokoyami tries to call out to Dark Shadow again. The quirk fights through the pain and goes towards Taru again. Taru rolls out of the way of Dark Shadow's attack.

Then he takes the sword, still glowing from heat, and then stabs Dark Shadow and pins him to the ring. The shadow struggles, trying to move, screaming in pain. He then vomits a prison of asphalt onto Dark Shadow.

Then he runs towards Tokoyami and traps him in asphalt as well, incapacitating him. Making the winner of this match Kuro Taru.

After helping free Tokoyami and Dark Shadow, the next match begins with Bakugou and Kirishima. Bakugou, as usual, attacks Kirishima using overwhelming force, winning the match.

Now we have to fight Iida.

We walk down to the ring. We enter the ring and see Iida standing on the opposite side of it. In a moment he rushes at us. We jump over him and kick his back, causing him to fall down and skid right out of the ring.

On his behalf, we can see attacks coming before they even happen, so even speed can be considered an irrelevant factor in a fight unless they have a quirk more akin to slowing down time which would've allowed him to attack us mid-air. 

Regardless, we won this match.

We smile and leave the ring. We help Iida up on the way out and go out to the stands.

Once we get back, we wait for the match between Taru and Bakugou. We'd much rather beat Bakugou up ourselves, but at the same time, it'd be very nice to see someone he called an "extra" kick his teeth in.

The match begins and immediately, Taru vomits a ball of asphalt into his hand and throws it at Bakugou. Bakugou blasts it however the ball explodes, sending Bakugou flying back and almost out of the ring.

Clearly he wasn't paying attention to Taru's quirk, because if he did, he'd know it is volatile to heat. However he did pull out a blade of asphalt from his hair, and it was glowing with heat. I need to ask him some questions about that later. Maybe he has more control over his asphalt than we originally thought. He can turn it into solid form immediately after he vomits it if he chooses to. 

Back to the match at hand, Taru vomits asphalt onto Bakugou's hands. Bakugou seems furious. The asphalt around his hands hardens immediately. 

He's stuck unless he makes an explosion, but that would destroy the part of the ring he's on and he'd touch the ground beneath it. As such, he'd be out of bounds. Before I could question more, the rest of his body gets covered in asphalt. He starts screaming for Taru to release him and fight him fairly.

In a few moments, it's obvious Bakugou is incapacitated. Taru leaves, not releasing Bakugou, leaving the job to the teachers. He then comes up to us in the stands, and talk before the match starts.

"Hey Izuku. I can't wait to see you win this thing." He says. "C'mon. You need to have more confidence in yourself." We tell him.

"We'll try, but we have a pretty good feeling about what'll happen." He says. "So do I." We say. We need to have him win. We think through a thousand different possibilities on our way down to the ring on how to have Taru win while making it look like we didn't fake it.

The only way we thought of was to re-awaken his quirk. Should be easy enough, but making it look natural will be a challenge.

We enter the ring, and Taru stands across from us. The fight begins and he immediately covers the ground in asphalt, leaving it in a liquid state. He must've realised we'd have broken out of the asphalt and walked atop it if he turned into a solid form.

Now it'll definitely slow us down. Smart move. We both run at each other, granted we do so slower than usual. We then grab each other, pushing each other using about the same amount of effort. Taru is giving it his all. 

However, he was winning, and kept pushing us back. We look down at his feet. He had a small amount of solidified asphalt around his feet, anchoring him and preventing him from being pushed back.

He then gives us a powerful shove, sending us back a few feet. We then slam our feet into the ring, giving us some support around us as well. Using this firm ground, we jump forward and tackle Taru. He loses his footing, and falls over.

We punch him in the gut a few times, before standing up and starting to drag him out of the arena by his hand. He starts fighting against our grip. Then he solidifies the asphalt around our feet and whatever parts of him that were submerges in the asphalt. We break out of the asphalt using our might, and by slamming our foot into the asphalt he created, we're able to drag him again.

He keeps fighting, and vomits asphalt onto my hand to make us let go. We don't. He keeps fighting. His passion burning bright. A perfect chance for a quirk awakening. We flow through him, using our symbiotic powers on his quirk organ to re-awaken his power.

Then, there's a massive burst of black sludge around him. We let ago of his hand, acting as if we were forced to by the massive wave of sludge. We're knocked out of the arena, and he's still standing inside it.

His breath was heavy as he looks down at his hands. They're releasing sludge, until he starts squinting his eyes as it, before it stops. He's announced the winner, and in a few minutes, we're on podiums. Bakugou was standing in third place, glaring at the both of us.

Taru was in first place and we were comfortably in second. Then All Might comes down and hands us our medals, giving each of us some words of encouragement or admiration at our success.

When he hands us our medal, he whispers in our ear, "I'm sorry.".

"For what?" We ask, with confusion visible on our face.

Keeping in mind our net of lies is expanding vastly, and Toshinori will eventually learn Izuku Midoriya is Himiko Toga, telling the truth would only be worse for us right now, considering Toga wouldn't know Izuku was told by All Might that he couldn't be a hero if he was quirkless.

A moment of confusion flashes over All Might's face, but is gone as soon as it came. He'll be talking to Nezu later about me, but that isn't much of a problem. It's just easier if some people know Izuku is Toga.

The sports festival ends, and we all go home, except for me and Mei.

We text mom that we'll be catching up with an old friend of ours. Then we walk over to Mei.

"We have a lot to talk about, don't we?" We ask her. "Yeah. Wanna explain... this?" She asks, referring to all of us.

"It's a long story. So, I'll explain as fast as possible, if you're as diligent with your ears as you are with your eyes." We say, preparing to go into one of our Izuku rants. Mei smirks at the sentence. "Bring it." She says.

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