Chapter 15

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We were just asked to break into a school.

UA to be precise.

We need to ask for some more details.

We decide to call Nezu's phone.

 "Hello, Principal Nezu speaking." He says. "This is Carnage. We noticed you asked us to test your security systems and by that we assume you mean break in. Can we have some details on why?" We ask.

"You see recently someone broke into our school, and we still aren't 100% sure what has happened, however we need UA on high alert. If our security was to be breached again, we could be in serious trouble." He says. "We can understand that. We'll stop by and break in. When's most convenient for you?" We ask.

"We have the next 2 days off of school. Any advice you want to give from your first time illegally entering UA?" He asks. "You could have some robots patrolling. They won't do much to anyone who was able to enter the premises, but they should be able to buy you some time." I tell them.

"And if the person has a quirk that allows for integration or the control of technology?" Nezu asks. "Your playing with us on this one, because you already know the answer, and so do we. If someone were to have a quirk that allows one to manipulate the technology you have then most of your existing security systems are rendered useless, which is another reason you have Pro-heroes as teachers instead of a fully tech-based one like the security systems on I-island." We reply.

"You are fascinating Carnage. I almost wish you were a hero." He says. "We wish we were as well. When we were younger, we had a dream to be great. Then everything went wrong, again and again. Just because of our quirk situation. We're so upset, but compared to someone like you, who has experienced so much pain because of humans, we can't say our stories holds a candle to your's." We tell him.

"I see. However if my story was worse than your's, then can't you still become a hero?" He asks. "No. We've decided to do good, but it's far too late for us to become a hero. We couldn't be a hero, the moment we first killed. We can't be redeemed, not legally anyways." We say.

"I see. For what it's worth, once you break in, I'd love to play a game of chess." He says.

"Thanks. I'll see you soon." We say.

Then we hang up. Our tendrils have already dealt with whatever was following us. It had no information about us and we had accidentally destroyed the recording equipment beyond repair, and to be quite frank, nothing could be recovered.

Oh well. I have other things to do tonight.

Nezu's office...

I wasn't quite expecting a phone call from the vigilante, but I got one regardless.

I have some interesting information now. He has a story less sad than mine, which doesn't slim it down all that much. He doesn't believe he can be a hero, that might slim it down. He's despised because of his 'quirk situation', and because of this specific phrasing, it's entirely possible he was diagnosed quirkless.

One of the most important details was how he always said we. This could potentially be a case of Carnage being mentally ill with Dissociative Identity Disorder, which is unlikely because of how consistent his personality is.

This could also be a cause of his quirk, like young Tokoyami's where his quirk is sentient and responds to him.

Or, maybe he has a symbiotic quirk. Such quirks can occur however not many people are known to have them because they die so early in life.

However, if this is a case where someone is bonding to another is such a way then there's a high chance symbiotic quirks would be made through quirk marriages by villains, or corrupt government officials looking for a new type of support hero.

I start getting my office cleaned and put some important papers in a draw for tomorrow. I open the door when standing in front of me is Carnage.

"Hey." He says looking down upon me. "Wanna play chess?" He asks.

I smile and look up at him.

"I knew there was a 37.9% chance of you coming early, but I didn't think you'd do so after last time with Mr. Hizashi." I say. "We've been trying to get more used to loud sounds, you know how it is." He says.

There he goes saying 'we' again.

"So, why do you say 'we' when 'I' always seems more appropriate. I have 3 theories so far." I say. "Then let's hear them." He says enthusiastically.

"In order of likeliness, do you have a sentient quirk?" I ask him. "Not exactly." He replies.

"Are you a person with a symbiotic quirk?" I ask him. "Yes we are. Took us a while before we figured that one out. We'd say 14 years, give or take." He replies.

"Fascinating. I'm sure you'd love to keep this secret, in case someone truly corrupt tries to create symbiotic-quirk beings. You've already shown you can do quite a bit. Anything that could've influenced your powerset?" I ask him.

"No. We don't believe anything in my life influenced the outcome of our current powers." He says. "So it's even more likely you were diagnosed quirkless." I say.

"Indeed it is." He replies. "That must've been tough, being quirkless and then dying, right Izuku?" I ask.

"We're sorry Nezu. But, we gave that identity up to her, and you know it. We're Carnage exclusively now. If we weren't, we wouldn't be here, or at least we wouldn't be here in the situation I'm currently in. Besides, Toga needed someone who cares for her. She needed someone like mom more than we did." He replies.

"I'm sorry for your loss. Even in the face of death, you're more selfless than most pro-heroes in the country. I'd argue this is ten times as impressive, considering you deserve to have your cake and eat it too." I tell him.

"Thanks. It's nice to hear someone say that after years of being told everything else. We could ask how Toga is doing, but we've been keeping our eye on her." He says.

"Impressive. Even at school grounds?" I ask. "Yeah." He replies.

"And how did you break in so many times?" I ask him. "The same way we always do. We're fast, we can see cameras and use our invisibility to avoid their sights when their normally unavoidable, and we occasionally crawl on the ceiling when staff walks by. People don't look up all that often." He replies.

"Good to know, good to know." I say. "But-"

"But that isn't how this last guy broke in and you need help with how to not have that happen again. Don't worry, last time the camera's went out was because Toga was about to reveal herself on accident, so I cut the camera's powers on that one." He says.

"Really? How interesting." I say, as grab the chess board. "So, want to play?" I ask.

"You know it." He replies, with a smirk.

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