Chapter 33

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Where are we?

We're trapped in a chair, with quirk cancelling cuffs on. Beside us is Bakugou. Spinner is here. We only learned his name because he'd gloated during the fight. Magne was here as well. There's a man in a mask wearing a trenchcoat and top hat. Also a person wearing black and grey costume.Shigaraki and Kurogiri.

"Where are we? Why are we here?" We ask. "Well, you're here to be recruited. Were going to kill you!" The weird grey scaled villain said.

Considering we're still alive, they're planning on recruiting us, unless this guy didn't say anything relevant to the conversation. "Why us specifically?" We ask.

"We chose him because he's already so close to villainy, he just takes what he wants." Shigaraki said as he pointed at Bakugou. "And me?" We ask.

"Master has requested meeting you many times. You're quite the person of interest. You know about Shimura Tenko, you gave me memories I didn't have, and" Kurogiri says. We have this feeling Shigaraki didn't intend to have us captured.

"Okay. So, what do you want to talk-" Before the question could be answered, Venom, and another yellow symbiote broke down the door.

This yellow symbiote had neon yellow eyes that glowed, a not-quite metallic gold skin, and a metallic grey detailings.

We can only assume it's Mei in yellow.

Venom stands in front of us while yellow does the same, forming a metallic shield. Then Heroes and swat bust in as well.

The villains are detained instantly, as All Might also enters the room. Shigaraki starts having a breakdown. Suddenly, we're surrounded by grey goo and disappear. Soon, we're in a wasteland of what was once a city.

There, a man floats. On the ground in front of him is Best Jeanist. The number 4 pro-hero. We disregard our secret identity, transforming and rushing to him. He has a massive hole in his chest.

We merge and quickly regenerate his injury. This obviously doesn't go unnoticed however. "So you're Carnage. This explains a lot." The man says. "And we assume your the old master, predecessor of Shigaraki. Tell me, who do you think would win? Us, or you?" We ask him.

"How intriguing of you to ask before hand. Trying to see if you should run?" He asks. "Nope. Just want to know how hard we'll have to try to kill you." We say.

"I like you. You've done so much work for young Tomura. Although you might've slowed his overall growth by removing many challenges, you've helped him. And that quirk of yours, you've been completely destroyed, and yet put yourself back together almost instantly. I wonder how useful your quirk will be once it's mine." He says. Suddenly, black circuit like tendrils are shot towards us. We dodge between them, making our way forward as the tendrils continue trying to hit us. We shot a thread of ours at his chest, and launch ourself toward him. He grabs us, before lifting us upward. Suddenly his hand courses with red energy as something's trying to leave us.

There are holes in his hands. We detach from Toga briefly and enter the villain to prevent what he was doing.

I start searching through his mind, seeing the centuries of horrible deeds. Especially the Nomu.

Genetic alterations made to people, consciousness barely maintained with-in their quirks, a haunting afterlife worse than hell. No free will. If only I could've helped them. If only I could've saved them.

I glance around and see the destroyed city. If only I could've saved them...


With these quirks... is it possible that I could... No, there's no way I could... but, due to my regeneration and perfect control of my body... but they'd need... Best Jeanist could help with that though...

News Copter... No one's Pov...

"Carnage has merged with the villain responsible for all the damages. All Might is currently on standby near the villain. It's unclear what's currently happening, and who is winning the battle for control, but-"

Suddenly, red and black goo like carnage bursts outward encompassing the whole destroyed city, consuming heroes.

"What?! Has the mysterious villain won? Is it all over for Japan?" The reporter asks in fear, the camera aimed down at the side of the giant blood orb. Heroes are slowly pushed out of it, however any clothes they wore now had short sleeves, in some cases, tank tops, others had lost articles of clothing, like jackets or socks, but nothing that would leave them exposed.

Slowly, civilians started exiting as well, as the giant orb started shrinking. Then, the weird stuff started happening. "Hey! I remember him! We did a story on him years ago. Shirakumo, right?" One of the reporters asks pointing to a teenager with blue fiery hair. "Yeah! I do too! Isn't he supposed to be dead?" The camera-man says.

Slowly, more and more "dead" people were pushed out of the orb. Eventually, there was only one person left. The giant puddle left All for One and jumped back to the girl.

It shifted into Carnage, and quickly bit off the villains head, before shifting back into the girl, however now she had a red jacket on. She calmly raised her hands above her head. It barely took minutes before Carnage was arrested and sent to Tartarus.

It took longer however, to convince anyone he should be arrested. Many heroes, villains and even civilians opposed the decision. However, they didn't stop. "It's okay everyone. We'll deal with this on our own. You should focus on if you're okay first, and if you have any relatives nearby." Before sneaking through the crowd and getting in the vehicle.

"So what now?" She asks. Her body then morphs into Izuku. "We go to hell, and be good." 

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