Chapter 7

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We were able to keep up vigilante work while under surveillance. We just stretched out long invisible tendrils to do the work for us. Granted, they're nowhere near as mobile as we'd like, but because of the invisibility, we can kill most villains by piercing their heart silently.

Then, we'd morph the tendril into a head, and chomp of their heads before leaving our calling card.

It had only been a week until they stopped with surveillance. Probably because they believed Carnage was a bigger threat than Toga was.

That means it's back to us getting out on the street. We had so much fun swinging around again. The feeling of the wind blowing against our face as we swung into action.

It was so relieving. We even met a few pro heroes on the way, and helped them deal with their villains.


"STOP, VILLAIN!" Kamui woods shouts, as he forms a wooden prison around a villain.

We then slingshot myself into the villain, forming our arms into blades and cutting the guys head off, before catching it in our mouth and munching on it moments later.

"Morning Kamui! Haven't seen you since last week!" We yell.

---(This is to imply it is a different moment in the past, but the flashbacks aren't over.)

Mount Lady was about to apprehend a criminal, so close to grabbing them, when we jump in and bite off their head, before swinging out of Mount Ladies hand. "Hey Mount Lady! It's nice to meet you! We like your outfit, but it seems a little exposing." We shout up to her.

"We?" She asks. We then shoot to strings up at her horns, and then slingshot ourselves into the sky, careless of where we might land.


We swung into a building filled with hostages. Multiple people with guns and offensive quirks were aimed at citizens. We extend many tendrils find all the terrorist in the building. They were all on this floor. We grab all of them, and kill most of them, biting off their heads.

The living guys remaining, we left stuck on the wall, before cutting everyone free, and then jumping out the window, landing in front of a police negotiator, and Detective Tsukauchi.

"Morning Tsukauchi. We've heard a lot about you. We took care of the terrorist by the way, and left a few alive for questioning. Anyways, we've got to go now. Well, we don't gotta go, but we'd like to." We say as we jump away.


"We'll take a 2 coffees please. One medium coffee cream, 2 sugars, and a coffee as black as his soul." We say, as we point to Aizawa who was wrapped up by us as if we were a blanket, yet we prevented him from escaping.

"Right away s-sir." The person says nervously as they start making the coffee. Once it's done, we chug our coffee, leave Aizawa's on the counter, and suddenly drop Aizawa.

Now, we turn invisible, and prepare to leave. "Thanks for the service, most people just call the cops. Enjoy the coffee Aizawa." We shout as we open the door, and jump away.

End of flashback...

"Man, this sure has been an eventful morning, right Toga?" I ask her. "It sure has. Ready to get back home from our jog?" She asks me.

I don't need to answer, as we turn into me and climb up the stairs of my apartment. We accidentally bump into one of the residents here. He's an old man, with a heart of gold. Isaki Tsundaro.

He was nice, and I used to visit him occasionally when I was younger. We should do that again, for old times sake. He lives alone, and we can only imagine how lonely he is since no one ever stops by to visit.

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