Chapter 9

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We had finally gotten the dog. So far, we couldn't think of a name, or at least a name it would respond to, so we had to dig through it memories.

It absolutely loved us petting it while we did this, whether as Izuku, Toga or Carnage. It calmed it down. Then, we finally dug deep enough into it's memories. It's former owners had black hair, and the dog was called Mon.

We believe his owner's son was abused. The child was in tears and then, Mon came to comfort him, and that's where the memory ends.

However, then Mon woke up, 24 hours later, and he was surrounded by dust. We can only assume the boys quirk activated. The family wasn't their. Mon was also in a pile of dust. Maybe they had a disintegration quirk.

One certain thing is that the kid definitely didn't do this out of spite.

Regardless, we doubt we'll find the original owner anytime soon, considering their almost in their 20's. We know the surviving kid's name from the dogs memories though. Tenko Shimura.

Anyways, time to get the warehouse set up for this little buddie. First, we got all the solar panels set up, and got the TV and computer plugged in.

Then, we set up a few ramps for Mon to climb on. We got a dog food dispenser, which Mon got acquainted to as he ran around.

It was quite fun having Mon around. Then again, it was fun being around the warehouse. Anyways, now that we had a place to hang out, we did a lot of things, pulled a lot of strings with our ability to interface with tech and do practically anything on the internet, we made it so we were attending school virtually without our mother knowing.

This combined with our ability to use technology with ease while doing anything meant we could be a vigilante during week days and have no one suspect it's us. So, we could do a whole lot more, and it made finding out our secret identity a whole lot harder.

And as much as I'd like to make friends which would make me alibi's, Aldera wasn't the place for that. Everyone their knows or really, think they know I'm quirkless and knows what'll come if they try to be friends with me.

So, the only friends we'll be making are either online or in high school. There are a few people who've come to like me quite a lot online. Their real life identities were Shinso Hitoshi and Fatgum.

We were also almost friends with someone named Mirio Togata, but not yet. He also has us interacting with his friends Tamaki and Neijire.

All of which are involved in the hero business. I don't plan to abuse these relationships, but it would be nice to have some connections to heroes here and there. It doesn't really matter though, I doubt I could have them believe Izuku is Carnage or Carnage is Izuku in a situation where it would matter.

Mainly because those situations would be life or death ones.

Anyway, today, Carnage had the day off. Most criminals in the area that were small time knew that committing crimes meant death.

So, we could walk mon around as much as we wanted, however, we then gained someone's attention. "Hey kid, shouldn't you be in school?" Eraserhead asks me. "I'm talking the day off." We tell him.

"Can I ask why?" He asks us. "I just got this dog, his names Mon, and I just thought it would be great to walk around with him." We tell him.

"And you thought it'd be nice to walk through the part of town full of warehouses, and possibly druggies and or criminals." Aizawa asks. "Yeah. Ever since Carnage showed up statistics showed crimes have basically stopped outright in Musutafu. Then again, I would too if almost every villain here died. However the police might've missed the chance to capture a bunch of criminals by setting up a few cops by the border of Musutafu. However that's not my place to meddle. So, wanna pet Mon?" We ask him.

"Nah, I'm more of a cat person." He says. "Cats. They're also nice. Definitely more calm than dogs. You'd have no idea how hard it was to get a leash on Mon." We tell him.

"Still, why would you purposefully come here?" Aizawa asks us. "To get away from it all. No offense to you. It's nice here though, it's silent because no one is ever here. Or, more accurately, no one wants anyone to know their here." We tell him.

"I guess that makes sense." He says. "I'd ask what you're doing here, but considering you're a pro-hero, I shouldn't be surprised." We tell him,

"How'd you know?" He asks. "An all black costume, excessively long scarf but clearly metallic fabric, and those goggles? If you didn't get passed over as a hobo so often someone might notice your an underground hero." We tell him.

"You know your stuff kid. You do this often?" He asks us. "Well, kind of. I have a notebook analyzing all heroes I know about. If I'm correct, you are pro-hero eraserhead. Your in hero notebook 10, on page... was it 28... no it was 18, definitely 18." We say, faking a moment of hesitation, so our intelligence was more believable.

"10 notebooks on heroes? Do you have all of them this memorized?" He asks us. "No, not all of them. The first few were from when I was young and couldn't really make detailed observations, and quite a few are about All Might and how awesome he is. Some of them were hero costumes I thought of, most of them looking like All Might. I was a massive fanboy when I was younger, but I became less of one as time went on." We said.

"Really? You seem like the kind of person that'd love All Might." He says. "He said I couldn't be a hero without a quirk. I don't blame him, he was right. I've seen villains on TV that could take down skyscrapers in a single blow. I'm not like you Eraserhead. You have something that can even the scales of a fight. Me however, I probably couldn't compete with the lowest ranked hero on the world." We say.

"Don't underestimate yourself." He tells me.

"I don't. I know my limits. The lowest ranked hero is only there because he isn't appealing in any way shape or form, but is still fairly powerful." We say. "I guess that's why I appreciate Carnage so much. He told me I could be a hero when no one else would. I swear I cried when he said that to me. Either because I was so emotionally impacted by it, or because he was using his quirk to heal me, and the feeling of all your bones snapping back into place hurts like no other pain." We continue.

"Really? How'd you break all your bones?" He asks us. "I jumped in front of a semi-truck trying to save Mon here. I doubt you'll find it on the news though. I was picked up by Carnage a few moments later and carried into an alley, where he healed me." We tell him.

"That was reckless kid. However, do you have any other information of Carnage?" He asks. "No, well maybe. He's a logistical optimist who believes himself to be immortal, he's fearless as far as I can tell- Oh! He can also read minds and see your memories if he makes physical contact with you and merges part of himself with you, as if he became part of you." We tell him.

"I see. Thanks for the information kid. I'll see you at UA if you're bold enough." Aizawa says as he leaves.

I look to him as he does so, and then Mon tugs on the leash as if telling me to keep walking. So, I do.

UA. We could make it in, but do we want to? Do we really want to go their even though there's no way we could manage it and be a vigilante at the same time?

The answer is no.

There's no way we're being a hero with our track record anyway, so there's no reason to humor the idea. Besides, Bakugou will be at UA. That is a guarantee, and if there is one place I don't want to be, it is with Bakugou. 

Maybe if I was dealt these cards earlier, I would've gone, but alas-

"Izuku, stop monologuing while crossing the road or you'll actually have to dive to save Mon from a semi. I'm not letting him die, whether he can come back or not!" Toga mentally yells at me.

With that, I focus again and get Mon back to our warehouse before finally going home, telling mom a fake story about my day and then getting Toga to sleep.

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