Authentic Love

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Everytime i call you and you never picked up,

You must've been with that woman.

The woman who fills the needs i never could,

The needs I never knew I needed to fill.

Every lie-stained couch in the house,

cups you used to make her tea.

Red lipstick on every glass.

Pillow stained with my maskara filled tears.

I still dressed up and tried to look good for you.

Long red dresses that accentuated the places you never touched.

Places I never knew you wanted to.

I just wanted to help you see I could fulfill those needs, desires.

Yet, you found a way to replace me.

Just like that and i'm back to square one with nothing,

Nothing but an image of what we once were and could've been.

No idea of where i go from here.

I'll find myself without finding the pieces of me,

pieces you thought were never there.

Pieces you took from me and put into someone else,

Pieces you needed, to build the life you wanted, from me.

I'll live with that, knowing your happiness was built off of me.

It'll make you grieve a love where you never took, but earned.

A love where you gave and cherished, instead of break and misplace.

A love where the pieces always fit, and never had to mold.

A love where it was authentic.

A real love like me.

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