To Make The Perfect Me

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To make the perfect me,

I'd need a lot of my raw essence.

I'd need a lot of random tears, anger, envy, self validation, and confidence.

I'd need to gather the perfect mold.

The exact shape and figure I have now.

To make the perfect me,

I'd need to scorch the outside but leave the inside under-cooked.

I'd need a social battery with little charge capacity and a long time to charge it.

I'd need hyper-pigmentation on my forehead

Off white teeth,

And a brain few understand.

To make the perfect me,

Id need dark eyes that seem dull and full of meaning, but

Are full of light and love.

I need a lot of energy from the sun so my hugs give off light.

I'd need talented hands to write.

To make the perfect me,

I'd need the original,

And even then there is a 0 percent chance I could make it.

No one can match me, not even myself.

To make the perfect me, I'd have to be me in the present.

I am the perfect me, and no one can take that from me.

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