Carry You Home...

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Kiss me on the forehead while i cry,

Don't let me go for even a second,

Why'd you let me go?

A simple thank you before you wipe,

wipe the tears and stubble from my eyes.

My mind fuzzy like tv static,

Why'd I have to look up at your star-kissed face?

You smile so happily like this is what you wanted

Regardless, it's not what I wanted.

Abandonment issues and you still leave.

Im being selfish this wasn't up to you

I knew and took the risk anyway, now I reap what I sowed.

I can't force you, you couldn't fight to stay.

I can't even speak, so I nod.

That's the highest recognition I could give you.

The golden dust...

On my knees as the midnight draft carries you home,

And I've never seen anything more beautiful.

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