Love That Was Never Shown.

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Yes, you know I'm hurt.

Go on and carry my tears with you, I don't want to cry.

Beat me like cake batter, hurt me and say goodbye.

Reject my love.

My room becomes a paradise prison,

My phone screen becomes a mental block.

My pillows become my journals,

My mouth becomes a lock.

You see im hurting and im tired,

And i was never one to take love from you,

Nothing I can write can show how I'm feeling.

Not even I can correlate it to my own pain.

I think it comes from not being enough.

Being told love is coming, wait.

Then i wait and want on my terms, and when it's needed,

Just a little symbol from anyone, it isn't there.

I'm tired of advertisements with no truth,

I'm tired of living this life broken and unprepared.

When you get better and you make it a lifestyle,

things hurt you and those feelings become scarce.

I grow to love myself more everyday.

But you can't love yourself if no one else loves you.

How would you know how to love?

And how would I know how to share it...

Especially when the love was always there,

But no one ever showed it to you.

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