Jim Spencer

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Nat's POV:

I'm waiting at the dickhead's entrance door ready to intervene if he tries anything, luckily, Clint managed to keep the door slightly open without any suspicion, that way I can listen in easily.

"Before we start whatever this is, can you remember me your name? Your face seems familiar." Jim says with a light tone.

"I'm Clint Barton." My best friend says awkwardly

"The Avenger! Hawkeye, right?" There's a small silence, where one of them probably non-verbally responded with t something. Then, Jim adds "Thanks for the help you gave in, you know, saving the world!" He says on a joking tone "We owe you."

Someone claps their hands. "Now that presentations have been mad-" Y/N starts moving on, but gets cut off by Jim.

"So you know Natasha?" He says his mouth full

"I do, we're friends actually." Clint reveals.

"Jimmy, that doesn'-"

"Y/N! I thought you were trying to get over her,  don't get close to one of her f-... friends only to get to her!" The man lectures her as if he spoke to a 5 year old.

"He's my friend too! And we're not here about Natasha. Clint needs you to identify someone going to the bar." The woman lies perfectly. Anger's lacing her first sentence, either for getting interrupted twice -tends to happen to her often- or because his voice doesn't hide his dislike for ma at all.

"Oh...sorry." Is the man's only response

Then, there's a silence filled with several footsteps from multiple people that comes to my ears. Y/N and Clint surely executing the plan: Give Jim a tablet with pictures of random people on them. Y/N 'going to the bathroom' to try and find some intel.

As on cue I hear a small interaction between the 2 ex-friends and its silence until Clint tries to make small talk with the other man "Who's the other guy on the picture?" He asks, probably walking to it.

"Oh no one! Don't bother." The owner answers, his nervousness audibly speaking.

"C'mon, I'm sure there's an interesting story behind it." The archer insists

"No. I'm helping you, afterwards, you're leaving." He spits, worrying me. This may just be his hate showing in Y/N's absence, but Clint might also be in danger.

"Jim, all I'm saying is that this man is straight." Clint says, the carefulness in his voice only making me want to bust in.

In case it's nothing, I start sneakily getting in, making a small sign to Rogers so he keeps himself ready to act. Only, the discretion plan disappears the second I hear Y/N scream "What the fuck!?"

As I arrive in the dining room, gun raised, I see both my partners' hands in the air, dickhead aiming their way with a gun of his own.

"Did you find anything?" I ask to know if I can shoot the man, but she shakes her head in disapproval. Damn it!

"Shut up he's not!" Jim screams to my best friend, completely ignoring Y/N and I'd previous interaction.

"Who are we talking about?" I decide to ask, now determined to talk it out, so we get infos while none of us gets injured.



"My boyfriend."

They all answer at the same time and my only conclusion is that Rumlow is Jim's boyfriend. Which explains a lot. "This man has more chances to be homophobic than gay, Spencer." I say, trying to knock some sense into him.

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