Reality Versus Fantasy

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Nat's POV:

I take deep breaths, focus to put a great cover on, to make sure nobody else than the ones in the jet know I was vulnerable seconds ago.

Once I'm done, I hear a kid throat clearing and see Stark offering a hand to Y/N, next to me, while Barton offers me his.

"I'll stay with her," I tell them with a small smile and they walk away with the others.

"I shouldn't go." she says as soon as they leave.

"Then, Lila, Cooper and Laura will worry and they'll come and get your ass in here." I counter. These kids love her, nothing will stop them to get in this jet if they discover she's in there.

My girlfriend sighs shakily. "Wha- What if I hurt them?" My heart breaks at the sentence.

"Can I touch you?"

She looks me in the eyes for the first time since Wanda attacked us and what I see hurts me even more.

It's pure fear. Fear of herself, I suppose.

She nods hesitantly at my request and I delicately put my hand on her knee. "Do you trust me?" She nods, even puts her own hand in e remind, which je sais a big step right now. "Then believe me when I tell you that you are incapable of hurting the people in this house."

"Okay...Okay, I'll go." She decides bravely, while slowly standing up. "Are umm..." she takes a deep breath. "Are my eyes okay?"

"They're beautiful, like always." I reply as I start helping her walk to our destination.

The first thing I hear as I open the door almost makes me forget about all the shit we've just been through. "Did you bring Auntie Nat?" Lila's sweet voice asks.

"What about Aunt Y/N?" Cooper adds.

"Why don't you hug them and find out?" I suggest as the little girl runs to me and jumps in my arms as Coop runs into my girlfriend's.

"What's up Champs!" Her voice is just as joyful as it usually is, it's bluffing and scary, though her body language betrays her a bit. But it's subtle, I'm sure most people in the room can't see it. "Come on, we'll let the adults have the boring conversations." She says lowly, as booing us, running away with Lila.

Though, Cooper lingers a bit. "What's wrong, bud?" There must be something wrong if he's not willing to run away from many strangers sight at the first occasion.

"Is Y/N okay?" He's so impressive, I have no idea how he picked up on that at his age.

"She- We've all had a very bad day and she's really sad about it." I explain vaguely.

"We'll comfort her then, don't worry." The boy assures, running after them. He's so fucking precious, he and his sister are the absolute best.

"I figured it's a good place to lay low." Is the first thing I hear as I get back into the discussion, but I can't focus on the next thing Laura says to her husband 'cause I spot Thor stepping -and destroying- a lego I built with the children.

I glare his way while he just pushes them away. "Pardon." He whispers, before suddenly walking out, Rogers' hot on his trails. Let's ignore that.

I now turn back towards my best friend and his wife, but he's left, probably to get the guest rooms ready.

I then look at Laura and her huge, about to explode belly, she's giving birth literally in a week, 2, if the kid's a bit late like the others.

"How's little Natasha, huh?" I ask, softly putting my hands over the pregnant woman's stomach. She puts her hands above mine, guides me at the right place to feel cute little kicks.

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