Good Old Way

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Y/N's POV:

Once we call it clear, I see Nat arrive in the lab, wearing Clint's thin windproof coat. "Really?" J complain making her frown. "You leave with my vest in your hands and come back with his on?" She rolls her eyes and cuddles into my side.

"What did I miss?" She completely ignores my comment.

"There was another one in here, it left, Thor's on it." I sum up, making her nod.

"What about you?" You're okay?" My girlfriend asks, starting to check up in me like she always does.

I grab her hands in mine and force them to her sides until we make eye contact. "I'm all good. I simply have a small piece of glass stuck in my back you gotta help me with." I reassure the woman.

She calms down a bit and starts helping me more édictas the meeting starts.

"All our work is gone. Ultron clears out. He used the Internet as an escape hatch." The Doctor explains what happened as I wince T Nat's movement. At least she got the glass shrapnel.

"Ultron." Steve repeats, disappointed by the problem itself.

"He's been in everything. Files, surveillance. Probably knows more about us than we know about each other." She flashed me a guilty look at the last sentence.

"He's in your files, he's in the internet." The colonel states while holding his injured arm. "What if he decides to access something a little more exciting?"

"Nuclear codes." Hill, who's taking care of her feet who got stabbed by glass pieces, instantly breaks the suspended Rhodes had installed, said man nodding.

"Nuclear codes." He confirms. "Look, we need to make some calls, assuming we still can."

"Nukes?" I repeat, the guy talked about peace in our time and evolution. As bad as it sounded, it didn't sound like nukes to me.

"He said he wanted us dead." Nat agrees.

"He didn't say 'dead'. He said 'extinct'." Roger's specifies. Well that's a whole lot better.

"He also said he killed somebody." Clint adds. Thinking about it, this thing said so many things in not sure about any of it.

"There wasn't anyone else in the building." Maria says, just as confused as I am.

"Yes, there was." Stark announces, suddenly sounding defeated. But we all get it once he projects an image of a completely destroyed Jarvis in the middle of the room. Shit.

Whether Stark and I are the only ones admitting it or not. Jarvis was part of this team and we got attached to him.

Bruce steps close to the U.I.'s... corpse? "This is insane." He mumbles as scared as confused.

"Jarvis was the first line of defense. He would've shut Ultron down. It makes sense." Steve explains solemnly.

"No. Ultron could have assimilated Jarvis. This isn't strategy. This is rage." Banner argues. It does sound pretty fucking bad considering Ultron does not actually feel anything. That combined with the fact he wants peace in our time by evolution... I think I'll take back what I said about the nukes.

As I get lost in that thought, Nat gently taps my arm. I look at her confused and then she points towards Stark who's being held in the air, by the throat. Thor looks pretty pissed to say the least.

"Come on, use your words, buddy." Stark teases. Ill-timed.

"I have more than enough words to describe you, Stark." The god spits.

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