Friend's Advices

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Nat's POV:

I went back to my apparemment 10 minutes after Y/N left the bar and she was so intriguing, she asked me questions and didn't mind getting ignored, if she tried again it didn't look like pushing. It was genuine curiosity and concern about others and I find it admirable. Despite that, I had a small feeling, an instinct, she had a dark side, but I'm not one that will judge someone by their past nor dark side, so I let the thought fly away and decide to call Clint. He could surely help.

"Yellow!" The dork I have for best friend answers meeting a long silence "Come on, it's not that bad!"

"It is" I reply judge fully

"Anygays, what's up?" I roll my eyes at his other awful pun "Natasha, I heard you roll your eyes" He says laughing

"Yeah, yeah, I just called you because a friend said I should talk to someone that really knows me, so-" I start to explain

"Wait! Did you say friend without talking about me!?" The man asks like I'm the loneliest being on earth

"Yes, you're not that special get over it Clint" I say jokingly

I start to explain how I just went to that bar because I didn't know what to do and met this cute cop that literally tries to help everyone she sees and that she adviced me to talk to a closer friend "So? What do you think?" I finish

"It's kind of obvious she wants to get to know you but also wants you to talk to someone about your problems even though it's not her" He explains still thinking about it

"But I don't have any problem" I say and Clint scoffs "What?" I ask

"Don't bullshit me Nat!" He says and the guy is right, the nightmares aren't stopping nor the guilt and the remorses

I sigh "what do I do!?" I change the topic hoping he'll let go

"You like her don't you.." He gladly changed the subject and the mood, a bit too much

"Shut up! I don't, now answer, what should I do" I say emotionlessly

"Open up" I open my mouth but Clint beats me to it " I know your whole life is classified, but you'll find a way. Just be yourself. Good night, Nat" He said before brutally hanging up

Be myself. Easier to say then to do, sometimes I can't even tell the in between in my lies and the real me. Now, I feel kind of bad not telling her I'm off to Monaco next Friday. Anyways I'm just getting my hopes up because of Clint, she's like that with everyone.

Y/N's POV:

This Friday, Natalie didn't come to the bar so I hope it's because she listened to me and talked to someone

Tonight we decided to do a sort of 'sharing circle' since there were only usuals in the place, we talked about regrets or random things that causes negativity in our lives, it was great until

"Jimmy! Turn the sound of the Tv up please!" I almost scream when I see what's happening

As I start to understand the situation I run to my police precinct to give a hand

When I arrived they said French cops had everything under control but Justin Hammer -that just came back from Monaco- asked for police protection..obviously judging by my anterior work that I'm the most qualified officer for this task. Ughhh!!! This is going to be such a drag...

I passed the entire week with Hammer and just like I thought, this guy is a real brat, he's doing nonstop whim. Weirdly the man is insanely jealous of Stark, to the point where he's scarred I'll sell infos to him so I can't see any of his projects

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