Shut Up

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Y/N's POV:

Natasha hasn't a good relationship with her past, I didn't think she would ever want to lay a single foot in Russia ever again. It's progress I suppose, I'm happy for her. "Is there a specific reason?" I question, hoping it isn't too soon to ask.

"I wanna find my parents." I nod. Parents. Maybe we should go and and pay mine a visit too, after this.

Natasha then calls someone who worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. it was a long and boring phone call that ultimately led into my girlfriend convincing the guy to get us an helicopter. In exchange, we pay a certain amount of money, of course, but the price is significantly reduced since Nat promised to spread the word abt his services or something.

I hang up for her since she's driving. "How do you do that?" I ask impressed.

"Do what?" She says confused.

"Get people to agree with you or shut up forever. I mean he went from 'No.' to 'It's almost free if you tell about me to everyone in the business.' The guy created himself a new job so you could get an helicopter!" I explain in disbelief as a cute smile grows on her lips.

"It's years of training." I know by the tone she just used that the place she trained this skill is the one in her nightmares. I feel bad for bringing that up, right now. But she saves it, as always. "But you can totally make people shut up too." She counters, a small smile growing back in her features just as fast as it went away. It's not a 100% genuine, but it's there.

"Like you? Nah. I can't do anything closely as badass as what you did on Capitol Hill." I argue.

"Maybe not, but you got like these sometimes controlled outbursts, and they work. Even better, it's fucking hot."

"'Controlled outbursts'?" I repeat laughing, I have no idea what that means.

"Yes! It's like you get all the anger out of your system  in one sentence and everyone gets surprised and scared and they all stop talking." She's invested in this, am I really doing that?

"Alright, prove it or it doesn't exist." I request.

"In Sam's car." She instantly answers as I try to recall what I did. "You shouted 'Shut the fuck up!' and immediately went back to normal." Fair enough.

"And you find that hot?" I say teasingly, raising  one of my eyebrows.

"That's all you you chose to understand? Shut. Up."

"I'm the one who's suppose to make you shut up, remember?" I remind the woman, loving this little banter.

She glances at me sideways, now clearly doing my ability to do that. Challenge accepted. "And how do you intend to-"

She stops talking and her breath hitches the second my lips connect with her neck. Well that was efficient. "Like that." I answer biting her ear lobe.

"Y/N. S-stop." She whispers between heavy breaths when my teasing continues.

"So you can put the both of us in danger several times by teasing me while I drive, but I can't? That doesn't seem fair." I taunt, my voice probably muffled by her body. The shivers running through her skin betraying how much she likes it.

"Y/N. I swear if you don't stop I'll pull over and fuck you in this car." Nat threatens coldly, the woman didn't change one bit, and I love it just as much.

"Ooh. Are you that eager for for me, Romanoff?" I tease a little further, pushing the woman over the edge.

She speeds up and takes the first highway exit we come across, ending up in some random countryside road, parking the car far enough from curious eyes.

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