Central park

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Nat's POV:

A few weeks had passed since I had last seen
Y/N, to my disappointment. She was very occupied -and so was I-her new Captain wasn't really settled. And, I didn't want to go to the bar since it meant seeing Jim's face, the simple thought of him being with Y/N even though he doesn't like her, just to talk shit behind her back made me furious.

So, I was more than happy when this time she texted me in a time that fitted both our schedules. I arrived to our Central Park meeting a small smile on my face, but it quickly died down as soon as I saw him. Jim. Why the fuck was he there?

"Hey Nat! Glad you could come!" She happily said making me slightly calmer

"Hey! You didn't tell me Jimmy was coming" I say hiding my anger so it can't reach her happiness, she seems so joyous right now, it's cute

"Yes, is there a problem? I thought you 2 were getting along? She says quote in surprise like she just saw right trough my acting

"Yeah Nat, do you have a problem with me?" Jim says out of nowhere

"No, obviously not!" I lie "How'a work going?" I ask looking at Y/N

"Personally, there was a fight at the bar. It's a shame Nat wasn't there, heard you had an awesome left hook" He says in a purposely failed joking tone

Silence follows and the tension grows as Jim and I fall in a staring contest wanna be, every second Y/N doesn't look towards him, he has an evil smirk on his dumbass face

"Wait left hook? You're left handed?" She asks and I simply nod "That's so cool! Me too we're in the smart people" she tries to joke and ease the atmosphere.

We continue awkward and superficial conversations with the other guy saying useless stuff with double meanings

"You know what? Let's play hide and seek" Y/N says completely randomly

"What? That's childish!" I say on a neutral tone

"Come on Nat! Don't break the fun" Jim says

I look towards Y/N with a pleading look, but she makes me a small smirk followed by a subtle wink.

"Okay" I give in with a sigh, getting my curiosity peaked "So, who's counting?"

"I'll go!" She says quickly " I'll give you 45 seconds, starting now" As soon as she finishes her sentence Jim starts running like a headless chicken as I just walk to the closest tree in an 'effort'

Not even a minute later she finds me -I made it so hard for her- "So what happened between you and Jimmy?" She says going directly to the point

I sigh " We've had an argument at the bar..." I say, but decide to skip the details about him being a huge asshole "So how's the new boss?" I change the subject before she asks more about it

"He seems fine, I just have a hard time to trust him... I guess it's because of how the last Captain was" she shrugs off and I tilt my head as an acknowledgment "What about you? How's being the secretary of... wait who's your boss? Stark or Potts?" She asks, I don't know how she can be so interested in such a boring subject.

"I'm kind of working for both actually, but I help them whatever I can: accounting, social view, paper work, mostly business trip though" I improvise the best I can "How are you even interested in knowing that? My job is so boring I could've fallen asleep explaining it!" I joke

"Well, when it's about you, it always seem to become wonderful" She says, I look in her eyes surprised by how fast the sentence came out and she simply smiles awkwardly like it just slipped out. Cute.

We walk in silence for a minute, smiling and enjoying the moment "thinking about it, never got to congratulate you for your medal, so how did you take your new 'lieutenant Anderson' title?" I joke gently nudging her

"Don't say that! It's so formal, makes me wanna throw up" She says with disgust making me recall the first conversation we had a few months back. We both start laughing -she obviously made the same parallel-  "Nah, seriously even with that ton of new procedures to learn it's very cool. Cooler than dealing with people refusing their fine. If we forget Turner, it's the dream job" She explains with passion in her voice, it's obvious that she likes her job a lot.

"Who's this Turner?" I ask with an eyebrow raised, my tone probably becoming threatening a bit

"Relax" She says laughing "He's like my coach to become a great lieutenant"

"And what about him?" I question wanting her to develop.

"Nothing, it's just... I always get to work with guys who love to stop me mid-sentence to copy my ideas or say something useless to steal the show" She lets out, obviously tired of it.

"I know what you mean, these are the ones you constantly want to shut up because whatever he'll say, the chances of losing brain cells are too high" I'm so happy there's not too much of these guys at S.H.I.E.L.D. Already hard enough to be listened to as a woman in there.

"Yeah exactly what I think every time these guys speaks" she nods laughing

As her laughter dies down 2 teens push their way between both of us, stealing our wallet and bag, running away. Out of reflex we both start running after them. As we run, even though she's no close as fast as I am, she's still catching up. Really fast for a simple cop.

She starts laughing and I then simply hear her say "Oh you kids picked the wrong ladies"

I get to there level in less than 10 seconds, grabbing the back of their shirt making them trip and fall. I grab our stuff back and let the professional do some educative speech or something.

"Does the 2 of you know how many it would cost them if a crime like this was reported to the police?!" She says and I almost laugh at her tone, it's like she's complaining about how they did their trick more than the fact they actually did it.

"Our parents would pay!" The girl replies confidently, little brat.

"I'll stop you right there kid, how old are the 2 of you?" She asks out of nowhere.

"16" They mumble in unison.

"Well law considers you responsible of your own action since you're 14. And if you think not having money would solve the problem, then you'll love public interest work! See the problem? Next time think before doing shit"
She then lets them go and turns towards me seeing my face filled with a huge smirk "what?"

"Nothing. Except, I wasn't expecting a cop to give a law speech like that" I explain

"They're young, I gave them a chance, it's up to them to take it. After that it isn't my problem anymore" That such a light way to see things
wish I'd see somethings this way...

Soon after Jim text her saying he's finding it too long so we slowly walk towards our first meeting point

"What made you talk to me instead of him?" I ask "I mean he's your best friend, why did you ask me about the situation first?"

"I like to pretend I see things pretty clearly so correct me if I'm wrong, but Jimmy has been an ass to you all night saying stuff about the argument dating you to answer and he'd always agree with me or trying to find situation where we disagree to make you the bad guy"She said perfectly reading the situation.

"That's exactly it! How do you do this!?" I say relived that she understood me and believed me

"Magicians never reveal their tricks" she jokes raising her hands in the air laughing lightly. "Now go before we get back to him"

"Are you sure?" I ask.

" Yeah! Come on! I saw how tense you are around him, I'll just say you had an emergency, it's fine." She explains, that's so kind of her, and as I wave her goodbye I slightly regret my decision of leaving her alone with some hypocrite dickhead.

The next day we texted about having something together both agreeing it would be funnier without Jim and honestly I can't wait. She's so kind and cute, it's incredible! And her eyes, voice, lips and everything, she's so pretty! I feel like I'm growing a liking on her, maybe Clint was right, but it couldn't be, no. It's childish. She's just a great friend

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