The Call

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Jungkook pov

Ever since that day i could not stop thinking about that girl ,she is mine .Since when i laid my eyes on her ,i never felt this way before ,no other girls but her make me feel things i have never experienced .

It has exactly been two days . Taehyung appointed my trusted man to keep a eye on her ,just to make sure she stays safe and also to reassure myself that she's safe so that i can work in peace without worrying .

The day i came home from the diner ,i told jimin immediately to do a background check on her and from the look that taehyung and jimin gave me, i knew they were shocked because i first time told jimin to do a background check on a girl.

I don't normally do relationship .I think that they are just waste of time ,but that girl is completely changing me and she doesn't even know . I know it just a matter of time , i need to calm myself because I know, if i suddenly came out of blue on her doorstep and claim her , she definitely will be scared of me and that's the last thing i want .

After jimin researched, i came to know about my baby girl lost her both parents in a car accident some years ago when she was just eighteen years old. It must have been tough for her but not anymore as I'm here now. I would make sure that she'll always remain happy and will have no problems. I also came to know about that she has a good relationship with Mr. Han and his wife .And also Mr. Han helped my baby whrn she was alone by herself , and i have to thank Mr. Han for that when i see him again.

She is innocent and whereas i am a monster . I kill people, I'm selfish and possessive person and i don't like sharing what's mine. I know keeping her with me also means I'm endangering her but i will protect her even if it means sacrificing my own life.


It's already late at night ,and i got my phone in my hand ready to call my princess . I'm dying to listen her voice. I got her number in my phone already saved since the first night but i kept restraining myself not to call her as i know well ,once i know there will be no turning back .

But tonight , i don't think that i would capable of restraining myself any longer. Fight with myself whether to call her or not. Finally, i made up my mind i would call her but just to listen her voice, i would not be saying any word or try to.

Calling her i waited impatiently for her to pick up but she didn't. Horrible thoughts started running in my mind.Maybe something happened or she already went to the bed as it's already pretty late. I let out a groan, wanting to punch something to lessen my anger a bit. Maybe i should try again, i said to myself and so i did. I was expecting my call to unnoticed but this time she answered on the first ring .

I felt my hand shanking slightly, too overwhelmed and excited that i finally can listen her voice.

"Hello"she said. I was too tempted to talk to her but i know all too well that it would be not a good idea at all.So , there i sat listening to her voice repeating the same word hello.
But it didn't last long as she hung up probably thinking that it's a wrong number. It is just the matter of time we'll be together soon, my little princess .

Yn pov

I was sitting at the bed drying my hair with the towel. Well thinking about something or maybe someone. It's been two days he didn't came to the diner,maybe he was busy after all he is a mafia. He didn't have time to roam around .I thought i will forget about him but as the days passes he is more into mind. When i was in my thoughts my phone rang, it was an unknown number. It's pretty late who is calling at this time. But i didn't picked it up, i am lazy though. Then, it again rang and this time i picked it up i said hello but there is no reply from the other side. It's been seconds so i cut the call. Maybe it was him. Where did he get my number?Well he is a mafia so it's a piece of shit to get my number for him .So stupid yn, you assumed by yourself that it was him. He will never gonna call me if he had my number too.


Hope you guys liked this chapter, i know i am little late to update so i am extremely sorry for that 💜
Thank you guys for reading my story till now. 🐰💜

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