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Yn pov

After our talk i lost my appetite . I no longer want to eat anything . All i want to do is just go home and curl into ball , and think about what will happen next . But unfortunately the handsome creature in front of me kept forcing me to eat my food , kept on trying to make conversation with me . He just didn't understand that this was too much for me to take in.

I need some time to process everything. I feel so overwhelmed . But nothing can be changed now. I already gave him my word that i would marry him. I can't just take my word back, that would be very selfish of me .

Finally, realizing that it's useless to cry over a spilled milk , i tried my best to respond to him and to give him back the same energy , and from our conversation i came to find out that he knows many languages like Italian,Russian and Japanese .

I was dying to ask him about his mafia thingy, and ask him about those rumors whether they are true or not.

As if sensing my lack of attention ,
"something's bothering you, il me amore ?" he questioned looking at me intently, studying my face.

I tried to lie by shaking my head as no , but he is smart enough to not to be fooled by my lie.

"I know , you're wanting to ask me something , so just ask me," he says looking vey calm . I hate how calm he is all the time without breaking a sweat unlike me.

I hesitated whether to ask him or not, but as always curiosity got over me, so i did.

"Don't mind me asking but is it true that you kill people , and that you are in the mafia? " i questioned him finally but i was too afraid to look at his face.

He chuckled.

What? I'll thought he'll go all beast mode . I looked at him and saw him smiling broadly at me , showing his dimples .

I would be completely lying that if i say his smile is not attractive , but i rarely see him with a smile on his face, normally he would have a frown or it's blank.

His bunny smile is too captivating .
"You should smile more often , it suits you ."I blurted out not able to control the words that came out of my mouth.

I expected him to stop smiling and returned to his casual cold and calm face but instead he smiled at me .
" Ohh really ? if you say so " he replied jokingly.

He is really not what i thought him to be.

"Yes princess , I am in the mafia and i kill people but trust me i have reasons. I don't go around killing anyone without unnecessary reasons." He added with a serious expression on his face as if to prove that he's telling the truth . And i don't know why and how but actually i trust him. I trust him enough to get married to him .

I have a belief in him that he would not let anything happen to me .

How surprising it is , as i don't even know him long enough but there's something in the back of my head that keeps telling me that i trust him.

"Ohh, it's okay. I trust you " I say replying to him and upon hearing my words , he took my hand that was resting on the table and started to caress it softly.

My eyes widen in shock as i didn't expect him to do so. I looked up to him and saw that he's already lookimg at me with a soft expression on his face and if anyone is looking at us right now would think that we're a happy couple .

I never thought in my entire life that a mafia leader can be this soft. "Or maybe only with you "says inner yn but i don't want to believe on her words as i don't want to expect more from Jungkook or to raise my expectations. After all, i don't want to get hurt in the end , so i must always remind myself that all of this would have an expiration date.

There will come a day when it's time for us to leave each other, but what if i don't want to leave him?? What if i fall in love with him??


After my lunch with Jungkook, it feels so strange calling by his name . I used to call him the mafia . Everything's indeed happening too fast . I can't believe that i am getting married in a few days as Jungkook said the sooner the better, and of course yes as you know me well,i couldn't say no .

While we were in the car driving back to the restaurant , Jungkook said that from today , he would come every morning to my apartment to drive me to the restaurant , and after my shift he would drive me back.

I tried so hard to persuade him that it was not needed, but he's hella stubborn . On the brighter side , it also means that i would be seeing him more often .

"Sis, you'll be getting married to him , you'll see him more than often " says inner yn . That girl keep rubbing it in my face that i am getting married , and as much as i want to forget it for sometime, i just can't.

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