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Jungkook pov

I stood up from my chair ready to follow her ,too excited to be near her.

You must remember your promise kook. (Mr. Han reminded me, looking at me which i nodded my head at him in response and finally went to meet my princess).

As i proceeded towards the changing room ,my heart started to beat hard in my chest , which is actually so surprising as it has never happened before. Never in my life i had felt nervous just because of a girl. So, there's one thing for sure yn is changing me.

Pulling the door opened, the first thing that greeted my eyes was princess sitting at the corner of the room with her head in her arms. She look fragile and innocent which makes me want to protect her from every danger ,but despite the door creaking she didn't look up to see who is now in the room with her. It seems like she is too caught up with her own thoughts.

Finally looking up she saw me at the door ,and as soon as i saw those hazel eyes of hers, i felt myself getting drown into them . I walked up to her and took my time drinking her beauty,still finding it surreal that there will come a day that i feel like this towards a girl .

Too occupied looking at the beauty in front of me, she suddenly look down probably feeling embarrassed ,which made me frown. My queen should never feel embarrassed by her own beauty,i said to myself. Lifting her chin up so that i can look at her face properly ,she suddenly step back creating a distance between us which started to piss me off.

Wh.. wh do you w-want? (She questioned slightly stammering).

Having no control over my mouth .

You.I want you, my princess . (i let out like a complete idiot ).

"Good job kook you scared her even more and you are wondering why she is scared of you when you didn't even do anything, can't you freaking see? No normal person would come out and say that they want a stranger to be her wife "my inner self says.

Excuse me.( She spoke after digesting my words) .

You can't just come here say that you want me ,cause let me tell you it won't happen or maybe it will happen but in your dreams. (She blurted out making my eyes widen a little bit)

"it looks like princess didn't like to be controlled " i said to myself, amused at her outbrust.

A sigh escaped for my lips and for the first time, Jeon Jungkook is failing to think what to do .

Making my mind up, grabbing her arm gently and strode out of the room. I have to be quick , i said to myself as she followed me out of the room towards the parking lot.

Reaching to my car i halted making her bump into my back "Ouchh". She said in her little voice ,making me turn to look at her , to see her rubbing her forehead.

I quickly apologized clearly feeling guilty and she quickly replied saying it's fine.

Get in. ( i said to her, which she ofcourse refused, and i expected it.So after a while i finally made her agree and went to one of my restaurants.)

Reaching the restaurant, while we went inside to discuss what i want from her . I didn't fail to notice how princess was feeling uncomfortable .

After ordering our food she wasted no time to ask what i want from her , and i, ofcourse straightly went towards the point as i no longer can wait for her to be my wife.

Upon hearing my words, her eyes went wide as if she couldn't believe what i just said.

This is going to be a long talk , i mumbled to myself ,mentally preparing myself.

Now it's time to lie to her, and as much as i wanted our relationship to be built on honesty. There's nothing that i can do. My hands are both tied up and if i really want her to be safe and alive. I have to take the risk even if it means her hating me in the end.


Hope you guys liked this chapter💜.
I'm sorry for late update actually i was sick and wasn't feeling to write but finally i wrote this chapter for you guys.
Thank you for reading my story, keep reading. 🐰🐰
Love you guys. 😊💜
I know its cringy but can't help it. 😅😅😂😂

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