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"Marry me yn ".

Upon hearing his words I felt like like someone just threw a cold bucket of water on me. My lips were glued together preventing me from speaking.

I was speechless . How can he expect me to marry him? I mean he is a stranger, and on top of that a mafia leader.

"What did you just said? " I questioned him thinking my ears deceived me.

"You heard what i said love unless you have hearing problem ."
He replied looking and sounding very calm and collected, i must add. While I was freaking the hell out .

He just asked me to marry him . But that's not the point why me?

"Why me? I mean you don't even know me , and how can expect a stranger to marry you? "
I find myself asking him.
He sighed and leaned forward.

"Look i know i sound like a complete idiot right now , but trust me i have no choice. "

" What do you mean by you have no choice? I asked as curiosity started to swallow me piece by piece .

"My father wants me to settle down which means i should get married or else he will strip me from all my inheritance and i can't let that happen". He replied looking very serious.

"Ok, but what if your father finds out that you are not actually settling down", i questioned.

"Well, he is not gonna find out unless you plan on telling him " he said.

"How can you be so sure that i will marry you , and why can't you just find someone else who is willing to be your wife ? I mean so many girls would die to be your wife. "
I replied to him slightly out of breath from speaking too fast.

"Exactly, but i can't do that as i don't really trust them to keep their mouth shut. Plus,you don't have to worry. I will provide you everything you want." He added making me frown at him as i was started to feel dirty. I mean ,i am willing to help him for free , he doesn't need to pay me or anything.

"I am willing to help you but please don't say that you will provide me anything cause I don't want it. No offense, but you are making me feel disgusted with myself."I told him looking down at my fingers.

I remember my mother told me to help people whenever they are in need and to never ask anything in return. But am I willing to do this? I mean ,it is not trivial thing that we are talking about right now ,it's marriage and i am not even ready to get married and that too with a stranger.

"Listen, yn it is just a matter of time . You can divorce me after a year or so,i won't stop you. " He said looking straight into my eyes.

The way my name sounds coming out of his mouth feels so foreign to me. Maybe because i prefer him calling me princess. What the hell i am even thinking. I quickly shoved the thought down not wanting to think about what name i want him to call me , as there are important things to be discussed .

But what if he doesn't understand is that i don't want to get married based on contract, which will have an expiration date . I always dreamed like having a married life like my parents, full of love and happiness not full of lies.

Not finding any words to say. I simply nodded my head to him .

It feels so wrong ........I'm such an idiot for agreeing but what can i do, what's done is done.

Since I was a kid ,i really have problem , which is i can't say no to people . Back when i was still in school , my classmates would tell me to do their homeworks and i would do it as i can't say no to them. Saying no makes me feel like a horrible person. It's makes me feel as i am being selfish as i have the capability to do it but i am not helping them.

And now , the mafia leader is asking me to marry him but i am not ready to be selfless and just sign my life away like that ? I badly need my mom right now , as she used to give me advice whenever i was in need or confused but now who do i seek advice from?

I don't have friends. I have Andrew but i can't go to him as he beforehanded warned me to stay away from him and if i tell him he is asking my hand for marriage then he is gonna have a heartattack , and i can't tell Mr. and Mrs. Han.

"So, do you agree?" He questioned .

Oh my god!!! i don't even know his name and i am getting married to him?

"Umm, we don't know each other that well ....."I said to him fidgeting with my fingers .
" I know you more than you know , love "
He replied looking at me with a slight smile on his face .
......His bunny smile......

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