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"Must I remind you of the favor you owe me?" I hiss through my teeth, static rising in volume.

Lucifer sits cross legged on his golden throne, bored expression twisting his pale features.

"No, you need not remind me. I'm very much aware, Radio Demon. I just don't care much for a porn star with no real value. Is it that big of a loss if he's gone?"

"You know it's a loss to me, your Majesty. Or don't you remember?" I take a threatening step forward, ignoring the guards at the entrance that mirror my step with two of their own.

It's been three weeks. An entire month of frantically searching every single building in Hell, leaving behind nothing but rubble. Getting zero sleep and going out of my mind.

I had him. I had Anthony in my arms. I heard those three sweet whispered words from his lips as I prepared to ask for his hand.

I was thwarted again!

Perhaps it's the universe intervening. Purposefully ripping Angel away from me because I don't deserve to be happy. But I don't care. All I want is my Anthony.

To blazes with the bloody consequences!

Arousal ripples through my body, causing my skin to twitch. Ears flicking, I shove away the pesky time of my heat starting up. Throughout the month, I was so immersed in finding Angel, I didn't catch the early signs of my heat cycle.

I'm too heartbroken. Too desperare. Too depressed to even cave a little into my heat. I'll just do what I always did before I had Angel to help me through it.

Shove it down deep and ignore it as best as I can.

Even with sweat coating my skin from the wretched cycle, I stand my ground as I give Lucifer a withering glare.

"Oh, I recall Alastor. Why do you think your memories were the price of such wealth and power? Although, it was fun to watch you regain those lost memories and continue about your merry way. No cares given."

"You knew I regained them?" I ask, expression neutral as to not give away my shock.

"Who do you think was the one that set that oafish birdbrain in your path? I was bored and wanted to see what you'd do. Go running around like a chicken with its head cut off looking for your long lost love? Or act as if nothing happened? You chose the latter. What is it you say nowadays? Ah, yes. It was very entertaining." Shame guts me at his gleeful words.

He's right. I chose to do nothing. For five years, I lived with the fact that Anthony was part of my human life. That there was a possibility that he may be among the many in Hell. Yet, I talked myself into the ridiculous notion that he must be in Heaven. That he was too pure to be shacked up down here.

How wrong I was.

I should've known better. Anthony was in the mafia. He killed alongside me. Murdered those his father ordered him to. And he reveled in every kill with me. Bloodlust sometimes surpassing my own. I was fooling myself into believing he had been sent above.

"No matter. You owe me a favor, my dear, and I came to collect. Find him!"

"Very well, Alastor. I shall use my seeing eye to find him. But once I do, my debt is repaid. The favor is spent and I better not see you on my doorstep again." Lucifer growls.

"Notify me once you do." Is my answer before turning to storm out of the throne room, down the stairs, and out the front door onto the streets of Hell.

"Whatever it takes, I don't care. Just find him." I seethe, my response directed at my entities.

They slither off to once again search every nook and cranny.

Keeping the signature smile plastered to my face, I clasp my hands behind me while I stroll in the direction of the Hotel. Charlie was more willing to help look for Angel than Vagatha, but after one threatening look, she helped the princess begin to search.

They couldn't find him. I couldn't find him. Not even the loathsome roaches, Valentino and Vox could find my beloved spider. And I made sure to send a shadow to keep close tabs on them at all times in case they did.

Quickly wiping the back of my hand across my forehead, I press on. Bypassing demons standing around, gawking at me or cowering in fear. I know what I must look like in their eyes.

Rumpled suit. Unruly hair sticking to my face and neck in sweat. Ears constantly twitching in agitation. Eyes always shifting to radio dials. And walking with a vengeful purpose.

"Hello there Handsome-" A slim female prostitute wearing nothing more than thin scraps of fabric, approaches me.

Patience thin, I snap my fingers with a hiss of static. Her body implodes from the inside, exploding chunks of dark flesh and guts around me. Hot, slick, black blood rains down and splatters against my already heated skin and messy appearance, eliciting a growl to escape.

I don't pause to take in this seemingly new power I now possess. Mind too full to process anything else but Anthony and his location.

The moment I walk through the doors of the Hotel, I freeze when my eyes latch onto a familiar face. I can't breathe for fear of ruining the vision before me.


Barreling through Husk, Niffty, Vagatha, and Charlie that stand around him, I launch myself at the fluffy spider with a cry. "ANTHONY!"

A fist flies out, connecting with my jaw, and I soar across the lobby. Slamming hard against the wall.

Hand flying up to gingerly touch my bruising jaw, I glare at Angel. "What the blazes was that for?!?"

"We were going to tell you, Al. But you burst through before we could get in a word..." Charlie gestures nervously at Angel. "This is Anthony Gustavo. Mob Boss and an Overlord in what he calls the Lilith Dimension."

My eyes narrow as I take him in. It's Anthony... but not. Instead of the pink eyes I've come to know and love, this Anthony has eight blue eyes that burn with disgust as he glares down at me. His fur is white but blue stripes form a heart in his chest fluff, not pink.

Wearing a dapper sapphire blue suit, shiny black boots, and a small brimmed hat, I notice he holds himself with an air of a true ruthless Overlord.

How did I miss it before?

"Ya must be da Alastor da fugly ass version of myself spoke of. Said ya are an Overlord not ta be reckoned with," He snorts with distain. "Some Overlord."

He sounds exactly like my Anthony.

It's eerie.

"What do you mean, Lilith Dimension?" I hiss, coating each syllable with venom.

Crossing two arms, he reaches into his suit to withdraw a lighter and a pack of neon blue cigarettes. "I'm here ta figure a way ta get rid of my fashionless double in my Dimension, without yer fuckin' useless double gettin' in da way. Lovesick moron. So, get yer worthless ass up and find me some decent wine. We have much ta discuss."

It takes every ounce of willpower not to throttle the spider demon strutting into the next room.

Don't kill him yet Albert,
you need him...

For now.

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