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~ WARNING: This chapter contains blood, gore, and mayhem. Read at your own risk! ~


Angel drifts off to sleep, head on my shoulder, and I listen to his deep breathing for a moment before carefully cupping the back of his neck and guiding his head to rest on the pillows.

Studying the garb he has on, my nose wrinkles in disgust. Thin sheer blue fabric that gives nothing to the imagination. Thankfully, it doesn't have any unsavory fluids on it this time. Still, if I'm to allow Angel to sleep in my bed and under the covers, it will not be in a distasteful garment.

A snap of my fingers and the drab blue material is replaced with the silk red pajamas I usually wear to bed. Lifting the covers, I ease his long legs under the blankets and tuck in the corners so that the comforter hugs his lithe frame. Angel smiles softly in his sleep and I swear my heart moves. A flutter of sorts.

Anyone else, and they would've been booted out of my room so fast by my tentacles, with a violent beating, their entertaining scream would echo for hours in the empty hallway.

But because it's Angeldust, I shall allow him to stay in my bed. Only this once. Last time, he was injured and needed to be healed. This time... well I don't have an excuse this time. Just that this will be the only time.

The fondness I have for this spider will be my undoing.

The thoughts sours my mood and I straighten, body stiff with anger. Why must Angel be my weakness? Why let my guard down and show any vulnerability around him?


Sure, I obsessively care for the obnoxious spider, but what is this deeper feeling? This rolling nauseous feeling. It churns in my stomach like rancid flesh.

Pushing away the new uncomfortable feeling, I snap my fingers and my casual red striped suit appears on my body. Turning, I quickly leave the room, making sure my smile is firmly in place before waltzing down the stairs, whistling a jaunty tune from the 30's.

I don't have a meeting to collect a soul, but the craving for bloodshed borders on deadly. It's a necessity at this point if the Hotel wishes to remain standing. This new uncomfortable feeling paired with fury at having found myself in a situation that caters the the spider's every whim, is torture. Not the good kind either.

I never should've made a deal with Angeldust.

To be able to gather my thoughts and think clearly, I need to rid myself of this pent up bloodlust.

And I know exactly where to start.


Five hours later...

Blood coats my suit and drenches the scarred skin underneath. Every demon in the casino, lay in a gory heap beneath my bloody shoes. I stand atop the pile of bodies, a sharp grin twisting my face into an expression of glee.

Throwing my head back, I allow the manic laugher bubbling up my throat to escape. To echo in the silence. Eyes raking over the beautiful sight of black blood splattering the walls and gambling tables, a humming static fills the air.

Such mayhem. Such carnage. Such beauty.

A sudden sound has my ears flicking to find the source. It's faint. Barely audible. But it's there.

A soft whimper.

I look over my shoulder to see an imp crawling towards the exit, leaving a trail of blood. With a twirl of my staff, I slide down the mound of bodies and hum a fond tune from my youth as I stroll forward.

"What's this now? Seems like I forgot one," I say in a cheerful voice, static making every word buzz. "How sloppy of me."

"P-Please. Let me go." Lifting its head, I see that its a young female. Horns curl up and bend towards her back. The gold shimmering dress she wears has a few tears and is stained with blood. Goopy black stuff falls from her eyes as tears drip from her wide yellow eyes. Curly black hair frames her tiny face and white markings cover both arms.

"Why, my dear, would I do that?" I ask, smile widening dangerously as a rush of anticipation washes over me. One more demon and I can call it a night, for outside the sliding glass doors of the entrance, shows the burgundy red of night in Hell. I must've been having too much fun reveling in the chaos I created.

Exhilarating and Delicious chaos.

"Please!" The imp wails. "I have kids at home!"

It's slight, but I catch it. The tiniest flicker of her eyes. The barest movement of her pupils. She's lying. My time spent down here has proved useful at times. For instance, knowing when a demon is lying by searching for the smallest thing they'll do. A nervous habit - if you will - that they themselves don't know that they give away.

As an overlord, I've learned to hone my sense to catch such a habit. Like those that gamble, it's a tell that they acquire. See past them, and you see them for what they are. Disgusting vermin.

Crouching, my hand snaps out to wrap around her throat, bringing her gasping face level with mine. "What makes you think you can get away with lying to the Radio Demon, deary? Tsk. Tsk. Big mistake on your part."

"I-" Claws digging into her neck and crushing her windpipe, she flails about frantically for air. Antlers elongating, my eyes shift into twitching radio dials and bones snap as my form lengthens into my true demon shape. Monstrous, Evil, and demanding blood. Demanding for carange to litter the filthy streets of Hell. Endless screams playing like the sweetest melody throughout the fiery pits of damnation.

I dart forward in a flash of teeth and sink my fangs into her neck, crunching, tearing, and consuming the scum in my hands.

By the time I'm done, there's nothing left but an unrecognizable mesh of bones and flesh. With a pop of hissing static, I toss the mass to the side with a wet squelch.

As my form reverts back into a deer, I pull a handkerchief from my breast pocket and wipe my mouth with the blood free side before stuffing it back where it was. Looking around the casino with a smile of disdain, I snap my fingers and fire erupts over the piles of body.

I turn and leave with a spring in my step, knowing the fire will cosume the entirety of the casino, and the remains within it.

The Hotels lights come into view and I begin humming. There is no doubt that Charlie and the bothersome Vagatha will chastise me over this, but it couldn't be helped. It's was either the hotel, or the grimy good for nothing scum that frequent Drimwalds casino. A casino that blocks the view of the city from my home.

Can't have that.

They can be upset all they like, it matters not. They should be thankful I didn't target the Hotel and its useless message of redemption. If not for the constant entertainment of Angeldust clumsily tripping down the stairs or Charlie's disappointment when there's no new patron, I would've destroyed the wretched building long ago.

"I'm back, my dears and I'm starved!" I announce as I burst through the front doors with a flourish. Having eaten the corpse of an imp not long ago, it doesn't matter. In Hell, my hunger is insatiable and thirst unquenchable.

My voice echoes in the empty corridor and I poke my head into the living room to see one person at the bar. A person I'm both shocked and happy to see.


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