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~ WARNING: This chapter contains slight nsfw, but still nsfw. If you don't want to read of them in that way... please don't read this chapter. ~


I can't stop kissing Angel.

He's in my arms again. Finally. After what felt like an eternity of being apart, I have him once again. My lips find his cheeks. His lips. His neck. I know the others are staring, I just don't care.

To Hell with keeping up appearances!

The moment I saw the blue portal open to the other dimension - as impossible as that sounds - I waited with baited breath until he stepped through. Once he did, I couldn't stop myself from yanking him into my arms. To feel his body against mine in numb disbelief. To touch him and know he's not a figment of my imagination.

"Let the poor bastard breathe, Alastor." A gruff voice growls, cutting through the heavenly bliss surrounding Anthony and I.

"Continue to speak and I'll rip your tongue from that wretched mouth." I hiss, head twisting around to glare at the bar cat.

Angel chuckles and reaches around to cup my face, turning my head to gaze into his teary eyes. "Fuck, I missed how adorable ya look when yer pissed."

Ears flattening against my hair, I cross my arms with a wide grin scowl. "I am not adorable."

"Ya are ta me." His laugh cuts off into weak coughs and he collapses.

"Anthony!" I yell worriedly and snap my arms out to catch him.

"I'm... fine." He wheezes with a gasp.

And for the first time since stepping through that portal, I pull back to take him in. The red dress he wore when he went missing, is tattered. A sour stench wafts up from his clothes and body. Pink eyes are dim and hallow, dark bags under them. Even with my arms around him, I can tell his body is thinner. Weaker.

"What did my double do to you?" I spit, struggling to keep my body from morphing into my true form and wreaking havoc.

Every fiber of my dead being demands vengeance. My body thirsts for the blood of the one who stole my Anthony away.

My twin.

"It's... not... somethin'... he... did." It's a struggle for him to speak through gasping rattles, but he pushes through. "When I was taken... I refused ta sleep... or eat. I probably look like shit."

Weak and barely able to manage a smile, Angel forces a chuckle. "Because I... did that... I used up most of my... strength. Da last of it was used up meetin' everyone's doubles and escapin' with da help of... my shitty twin. Guess da... adrenaline keepin' me fuctionin'... wore off."

"You need food and rest." Sweeping Angel's legs out from under him, I carry him up the stairs. Worry twisting my gut and making my heart ache. "You are far too weak to endure teleportation, so you shall sleep in your old room."

"Thought I... didn't have a room here... anymore." He teases weakly.

"It may not have your stuff, but if it's empty, you will eat and rest in bed."

"And if a... patron is stayin'... in that room?"

"I won't ask, just give them an option. Leave or die." I reply simply, hurrying down the hall towards the room Angel had before moving in with me.

"I... fuckin' love... ya." Angel tries to laugh but coughs violently.

"Please, my love. Conserve your strength." I plead, bending to nuzzle his strangely damp forehead.

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