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~ WARNING: The last chapter you are about to read is FULL of angst, gore, blood, and anguish! Read if you dare. ~

Please don't hate me for this...


This is it.

My Weddin' Day.

Took two months of planning with Molly. Many arduous nights. Many fights and tears. But now, I finally get to marry the man I love alive and in death.

After so much pain, sweat, blood, and tears. We are reunited, happy, and about to get married.

Studying myself in a floor length mirror, I marvel at how beautiful dress is in person. Shimmering with each movement, and fit for a fairytale princess. Alastor found it after stealing from someone who bought it two months ago. Never found out who actually did though.

A sharp pain radiates through my head as Molly fiddles with the jeweled clip holding the veil, shifting it this way and that in my curled hair.

"Will ya relax with that? It looks fine." I gripe, wincing in pain as she once again messes with it.

"My brother must look perfect fer his weddin' day." Molly replies, fluffing my hair to add bounce.

"Thanks fer bein' here, Molls." I whisper, hand covering hers in appreciation. "I know Pops and Georgie had no choice in comin' 'cause of Al threatenin' them and all, but it means a lot that yer here."

"Ma would be so proud." She murmurs.

Tears sting my eyes at the thought of her gentle smile and loving embrace. "I wish she were here."

"She's watchin' from above. I know that she's proud Tony." Nodding, I take a deep breath and blink my eyes rapidly to keep the tears from falling and ruining the smokey eye makeup Molly worked hard on for an hour.

A knock sounds on the door and Arackniss pokes his head in, look of distain on his face. "Everyone is sittin' and waitin' fer this damn thing ta start."

With that, he leaves with a slam of the door and I look over at Molly before bursting out laughing. "We betta' head out before da guests get antsy."

"I'm goin' ta go take my seat. Pops should be waitin' by the entrance to walk with ya." Waving, she leaves and I turn back to the mirror.

"Get yer shit togetha' Tony. Albert is waitin'. So whateva' ya do, don't trip and fall on yer face."

Gathering the long sparkling train, I leave the individual room where brides get ready before the wedding and nervously walk down the hallway towards the entrance.

As I walk, I quietly admire the beautiful paintings on the walls. Splashes of greens, blues, and purples of farms and stunning sunsets.

I miss sunsets.

In Hell, it's always one color. Red. Not that red is a bad color. I mean come on, my soon to be husband loves the damn color, and it looks perfect on him. But, there are days I would gaze out into the bustling, burning, cities of Hell, and yearn for one last sunset.

Molly and I were able to get back the venue we originally booked, and I'm so happy. The building is a large brick building that caters to indoor and outdoor weddings. The indoor spot they have is huge with hardwood floors and wide enough to decorate it however you wish.

Personally, I wanted an outdoor wedding. It's always hot outside and the place they have out back has a stunning marble walkway built into the ground for the bride to walk down, a gazebo, and a lot of space.

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