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I hold back a snicker as Alastor and I walk up to the Hotel entrance. He looks irritated. Smile tight as to not reveal the clear distain burning in his scathing glare.

"Breathe, Bambi. This is somethin' ya need ta do after what ya pulled." My attempt to soothe the anger I can literally feel coming off him in waves, proves to be difficult.

"I do not owe those meddling children a damn thing. Not a morsel of remorse. They got in my way, and those that stand in the way of what's mine, are taken care of. Permanently." Alastor's voice matches the rage shown in his eyes and I have to cover my ears from the angry high screeching static that fills the air.

When it dies down, I turn to him and cross my arms, tapping a boot in irritation. "Ya want me ta be yers?"

"Of course, Mon Ange." Like a switch, he goes from vengeful bloodthirsty overlord, to sappy sweet lover.

"Ya want me ta forgive ya of all da shit ya put me through?" I ask, looking down at my fingers and flicking fuzz off my glove in boredom.

"More than anything, Cher." His voice is like melted butter, with a hint of sweetness.

After joining together in sweaty passion last night, Alastor has been very caring and sweet towards me. Waking me up with a cup of coffee and a kiss to the forehead was shocking and I almost let the words slip right then and there.

I love ya.

I need to be more careful. Yes, I still love the guy, but I can't say it right away. I need time. Time to make him work for those words. If he wants to hear me say them, he'll respect me enough to give me that.

I thought he'd fight me on sleeping in a separate room, but he simply agreed. Leaving me to do whatever I wanted - with the exception of staying out of the basement. Lucky for him, I wasn't in the mood to explore Smiles house, and I spent two hours scrolling through social media until a caption of a news article caught my eye.

Radio Demon destroys Casino.

It's dated awhile ago, but that's not what has my eyes widening. No. What has a toothy smile splitting my face, is the photo that someone managed to capture without being noticed.

Alastor stands on a mound of bodies, blood and carnage litter the carpets and coats the walls. Alastor's head is back, manic sharp smile showing as his mouth hangs open mid laugh. Blood stains his coat and shoes and is splattered across his face. Al's eyes are closed and even through the photo itself, I can feel his power, hear his mirthful laugh. In this photo, he is truly happy.

One thing I quickly learned about Albert shortly after meeting him, he revels in every kill. Soaks in mayhem with relish. It brings out his true psychotic nature, and I absolutely love it.

Albert feared after I witnessed his true self and certain... appetite, that I'd leave him. That's why he tried to curb his bloodlust, hold back by taking me to a daisy field or his cabin for dates so no one was around to tempt his thirst for spilled blood.

Until one day... he snapped.

It's my fault though, I pushed him into taking me to a jazz club for our fourteenth date. What started out as champagne and soft music, quickly transformed into screams, severed body parts, and a sea of red soaking the floor.

Of course, being in the mafia, I've seen my fair share of death and gore, so I didn't mind. Hell, I even helped him off a few people that escaped through the back doors. Him, handy with a knife. Me, guns blazing.

It was a thing of beauty as we worked together to satisfy our dark craving of violence.

That night, after showering and eating dinner I made, we took our relationship to the next level.

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