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Tune everyone out. Tune everyone out. Tune everyone out.

The frantic mantra replays in my head as I bury my face in Angel's soft fluff. If I tell myself that, I can almost imagine that it's just Anthony and I in this dim club, not stuffed full of other demons who haven't caught on that I'm here yet.

I promised Angel I'd try.

And I will follow through with this promise, Even if it means being discovered by more... unsavory Overlords.

Because my darling Anthony is worth it.

Angel suddenly stiffens and his chest rumbles as he speaks. I hear him utter the name Molly while hiding my face from all of Hell.

"Is that really ya, Tony?" A soft feminine voice asks and I pull my face away to glare over at a fluffy white spider, identical to Angel, but with long, white, layered hair reaching down to her knees.

This is supposed to be our time.

The woman jerks in shock when she notices me pulling my face from Angel's fluff and gives a nervous laugh. "Oh, I apologize. Am I interruptin' ya?"

"No, course not." Angel exclaims excitedly before I can tell the young miss that she is in fact interrupting.


"My God Tony, I missed ya!" Molly squeals and bounds over to us, wrapping her arms tight around Angel and causing me to stumble back into my chair.

Applesauce! This swiss miss is testing my patience.

"If you would kindly unhand him my dear, we are in the middle of a date." A crackling pop of static hisses through my teeth and I dig my claws into my palm, drawing blood, to hold back from tearing her head off.

"Back off ya creepy motherfucker." Molly snaps, eight pink eyes narrowing.

"What you do with your mother, is your business." I retort with a predatory grin.

She is well on her way to becoming a late night snack.

"Asshole." I growl at her crude comeback.


"Shithead!" She yells and leans in to press her nose to mine with a threatening glare.

"Bloody fragile doll!" Slamming my hands on the table, I slowly stand. Eyes shifting to radio dials and bones snapping for my form to grow and loom intimidatingly above her.

"STOP IT!" Angel screams and stands so fast, his chair topples over. The silence that follows, is deafening. "Molly is my sista' Al! The fact that ya won't let me have one fuckin' minute ta soak in da moment of bein' with my sista' again, is downright appalin'!"

I shrink under his furious gaze and my ears flatten against my head. Every pair of eyes in the club are turned towards us and I sink lower in my chair. If everyone didn't know I was here before... they do now.

Shame burns my face as I glance from him, to Molly. He's right. I was so consumed by Angel's presence and needing him to remain calm, that I snapped at the young lady.

It's clear that they are related by just looking at them. Both are covered in white fluff and pink stripes. I should've connected the dots sooner.

Keeping the smile on my face, I turn my shifting dial eyes on her. "I° tr°ul°y apo°lo°gi°ze f°or m°y be°h°av°ior."

Even trying to sound sincere, my tone still holds menacing static.

"I don't know who ya are, but ya need ta learn respect." Molly huffs, arms crossing.

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