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~ WARNING: This chapter has heavy nsfw content! ~


"Does the concept of privacy mean nothing anymore?!?!" I screech and snap my fingers.

One of my entities rushes up towards the girls, releasing a shrill and meancing hiss.

Charlie shrieks and stumbles back at the sudden scare, taking Vagatha with her as they tumble onto the carpet of the hallway.

"Close it." Static pops and hisses through my teeth at the demand and the shadow hurries to do my bidding.

"Let him go!" Vagatha yells, scrambling up to wedge her foot in the crack of the door, preventing it from closing.

This isn't going to work.

"I have an idea, my Wildflower... but you may not like it." I glance down at Angel, the red glow of my eyes capuring his wince of pain.

"Do it. I refuse ta be interrupted again. I need ya, Albert. Do what ya must." As he speaks, a gush of black blood leaks down his neck from the gaping wound I put there moments ago.

Curling a finger under his chin, I tilt his head back to lock lips with him in a passionate kiss.

A portal opens below us as I summon every ounce of darkness to Angel and I. My eyes flutter shut as we drop into the void, portal shutting above us.

Angel squeaks in terror at the sudden pitch blackness and wraps four arms around me, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"It's alright, my dear. Here, we are free to continue uninterrupted. That is... if you wish to continue." I murmur, a shudder of desire racing through me as his lips skim the sensitive skin of my neck.

"We... we can still get out. Right?" Angel whispers, fear lacing his tone.

"I am the one who created this void, darling. Of course I can escape it when I deem it nessesary." I rub a hand soothingly over his back, leaning in to nuzzle his hair affectionately.

"Good." With that, Angel's hand snakes up to curl around my throat, holding me in place as his fangs sink again into my shoulder. "Now, where were we?"

Already pumped full of his venom, this new dose renders me mute. I want to moan from the sheer bliss of pain coursing through me. At the delicious pleasure mixing with mind numbing pain. But I can't seem to make a noise.

I can only let my head fall back, long limbs clutching tight to my Beau, smile struggling to stay in place as he presses open mouth bloody kisses up my neck.

My tail twitches and ears flick, betraying my excitement and content.

A hand goes behind me to slip into my pants, gripping my wagging tail. I do make a sound then. A strangled static hiss of want. Of need.

"I've played with yer ears, but neva' got ta touch yer tail. Is it sensitive too?" Angel asks and all I can do is nod.

Stroking and playing with my tail, I grit me teeth and dig my nails into his thigh.

I need release. I need him. I need Anthony.

"I know what yer waitin' fer." He teases, reaching down to grab my pulsing hard cock.

Guiding me to what I want. What I crave. Angel finally sinks onto me. I slide inside, inch by agonizing inch. Even though we are suspended in mid-air in the void, he finds a way to straddle me while I'm still inside him.

Then he begins moving, and my mind shatters.

Soft velvet encases my throbbing member. It molds to me, like a glove. A perfect fit.

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