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I can't move.

His lips are on mine. The radio demon is kissing me. Something I never thought would happen.

I mean, sure I'll tease and maybe plant one on him every now and again, and yes I did initiate the kiss upstairs - as moronic as that was - but Alastor kissing me first, with a scorching passion that rivals my own? Only happened in my dreams.

Until now...

He sucks my bottom lip between his sharp teeth and nicks the soft flesh. I barely taste my blood. I'm still reeling at the fact that his lips are molded to mine, kissing fervently.

The tiny voice in the back of my head is yelling at me to run outside and hop in the limo, practically begging. But as usual, my fucking libido gets in the way.

I know Val is going to punish me severely for being late, but I don't care. I mean, when am I going to get the chance to kiss the all powerful Radio Demon like this again?


This feels like a once in a lifetime thing, so I'm seizing it and milking it for as much as I possibly can. If that means just making out, then so be it.

Curling my arms around his waist, I hoist him up and press his body against my fluffy chest. Wearing a thin outfit, I can feel his suit rub on my fur.

Making a small noise, Alastor wraps his arms around my neck and deepens the kiss. My fingers tangle in his red hair and I prod his tongue with mine.

As we pull away, I study his flushed expression as we catch our breath. Without a word, he grabs my hand and pulls me toward the stairs.

"Al, are ya sure about this?" I ask.

"Good gracious no," Alastor growls. "But I can't stop. If I must give in to my carnal desires, then I guess it should be with you."

Digging my feet into the carpet, I stop dead in my tracks. "Is that all I am ta ya? A carnal desire? Collateral damage?"

"Yes." His reply is instant and without hesitation.

"I see." I murmur, ignoring the pain of my heart breaking.

Typical Angeldust. Always falling for the unemotional demons. Pulling my hand from his, I turn and make my way to the entrance of the hotel.

"Angel, where are you going?" Alastor asks, annoyance coloring his tone.

"I'm going ta work," I answer numbly. "Because ya see, at work I know what I'm dealing with. At least with my clients, I know they want ta fuck me with no strings attached. There are no feelings. They treat me like a fuck toy and I know that's what they want. But with ya? I can't. I refuse ta be treated the same way by ya."

"What are you saying?" He asks, eyes wide with shock. And for once, he's not smiling. It's extremely unnerving.

"I won't fuck someone I love who feels nothing but lust fer me." With that, I step outside and slam the door closed behind me.

Well, I did it. I finally confessed my feelings for Alastor. The feelings that have festered quietly inside me for awhile. It feels weird to have given my feelings voice, and to him no less. No matter, it's not like he feels the same anyways.

Trudging down the walkway, I straighten my outfit and plaster on a fake smile for Val. Tonight, maybe fucking strangers will make me forget about my pathetic excuse of an afterlife.

(Chapter scene drawn by: yourlocalgremlin_2278)

(Chapter scene drawn by: yourlocalgremlin_2278)

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