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I'm sore everywhere.

Every inch of my body screams in agony. Moving just makes it ten times worse.

"Don't move!" A dark voice hisses. "It's hard enough to do this, but if you move it will take longer. Just lie still."

That annoyed voice....

It sounds furious and familiar.

A cold hand cups my cheek and I can feel scorching heat and strange buzzing on my skin. Memories from last night come flooding back and I jolt upright in terror.

Sharp pain explodes between my eyes and I fall back, groaning in pain.

"Gracious Hell, you are stubborn." Grumbles a voice at my side.

Peeling my eyes open, the ceiling comes into focus and I slowly turn my head to see Alastor rubbing his forehead, eyes blazing angrily.

I must've smacked my head on his when I shot upright, I think in amusement. Serves him right for hovering too close.



Shooting upright again, my eyes dart wildly, taking in the strange but familiar room.

He took me to his room.

I would question him why if I weren't so bloody terrified. Swinging my legs to the side of the bed, I force myself to stand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Alastor cautions.

"What time is it?" I ask, patting my coat frantically to find my phone.

"Nine at night." He replies.

"And the day?"

"It's Saturday."

The rooms spins and I sit heavily on the bed. Four days? I've been out for four days?!?!?

Shit! Shit! Shit!

This is not good!

"I - I hafta go. Val is going ta kill me because I'm late. Technically I'm four days late, but still." I babble, jumping up.

"No, you need to rest. It took all of my energy to heal you and it's unsafe to go to work in your condition." Alastor says and I look over my shoulder at him.

Slouching in a chair next to the bed, his eyes droop and his manic grin wavers slightly.

He.... healed me?


"You don't seem to want to listen Angelcakes, so I have to teach you the hard way that I always get my way." Val's voice echoes in my head as I hold out my arms, studying the light purple bruises in horror. He beat me. Val beat me and I somehow dragged myself back to the hotel.

Or did he drop me at the door?

My memory is a bit fuzzy.

"Ya healed me. Why?" I ask, not bothering to turn around.

"I'm not sure." His response angers me more than the savage beating I took.

"How can ya not know the reason fer healin' me?" I accuse.

"Because I don't know. Lately, I have had these strange new feelings whenever I'm around you. Frankly, they scare the daylights out of me. I normally fear nothing! I am powerful! So excuse me if I can't seem to figure out exactly why I seem to care about a porn star who thrives on drugs to get through the day!" His words hurt.

"Fuck you." I snap.

Getting to my feet, I storm towards the door.

"One more thing, deary."

I freeze with my hand on the doorknob. "What?"

"Was it Valentino that marked you so viciously? Be certain with your answer."

"Why do ya care if it was or not?" The breath catches in my throat. I want him to say something. Anything, to comfort me.

"It's nothing to concern yourself with." He answers.

Of course. Why do I bother?

Throwing open the door, I walk down the hall and stomp down the stairs.

"Angel!" Is my only warning before a force hits me square in the chest and I wince at the fresh wave of pain battering my bruised body.


Awkwardly patting Charlie's back, I manage a small smile. "Hey princess. How've been?"

"That's not important. How are you? After Alastor found you on the doorstep, we were worried. Are you okay?" She worries over me.

"I'm fine." I lie.

I'm a far cry from fine.

Vaggie thrusts a glass of water in my hands, expression glowering. Aww. At least she cares a little.

Alastor's furious confession replays in my head. He cares about me. But in what way? Why get angry for feeling something other than malicious bloodthirsty vengeance?

And why ask who beat me?

Sipping the water, I struggle to suppress the painful memories and haunting smirk on Valentino's face.

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