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Jane, Hayden, and Josh are all at Josh's house and watching a movie together. Jane glances at the couple snuggling and cuddling into each other. 

"If you're gonna make me the third wheel, I'll fudging gut you. You hear me?" Jane tells them and glows her eyes bright yellow. "I'm part basilisk. Have you watched Harry Potter, my Spanish comrades? Because a stare from it usually kills. And you don't need to be a muggle-born for me to kill you." 

Hayden looks at Josh concerned. 

Josh scoffs quietly. "She-She's just joking, Hayden. She's not serious. Right, Jane?" He gets quiet immediately after seeing Jane's blank stare. 

"So how is Liam in bed, Jane?" Hayden questions as she tries to ease up the mood. 

"Well, um..." Jane trails off hesitatingly. 

"You haven't done it yet." Josh looks stunned. "You've never had sex yet? Why? You've had a couple of peaceful, normal-ish months where you could be normal teenagers." 

"I don't know." Jane confesses honestly. "It just...It never happened. Neither of us forgot about what happened with the Chimera Pack last year. Liam has been slightly distrustful since then. Sure, we have good times. But with everything that went down...Theo, Chimera Pack, The Beast, Deucalion...I don't know." 

"Yeah, but sex doesn't require trust-" Josh smirks but it soon fades away as Hayden hits him repeatedly on his arm. "Ow! Ouch! Hayden, baby, stop! It hurts!" He whines. 

Jane looks between the two of them amused. 


Jane climbs through Liam's bedroom window, surprising him. His eyes widen when he lays his eyes on Jane since he was supposed to come to her room today. 

"Jane, what are you doing here? I thought-" Liam begins. 

"I don't like it. Okay? I don't like that what Josh told me, was exactly damn right. You're distrustful of me because I was with Theo. And I don't blame you, Li. But can't you try at least to trust me? Your girlfriend." Jane speaks.

Liam looks at her like she just kicked a puppy, not realizing this is how she's felt for these latest couple of months. 

"Oh, Jane, baby, I'm sorry. I didn't know this is how you felt." Liam mumbles as he approaches her before hugging her. 

Jane hugs him back, burying her nose in his neck. 


Scott and Jane walk through the school corridor but suddenly stops when they both get a weird feeling. They look to the side, seeing an abandoned locker. 

They slowly walk towards it. When they reach it, Scott slowly reaches out his hand toward the locker. He places his hand on the locker. Then he slowly pulls his hand away. 

"Scotty? What's wrong?" Jane questions. 

"Um, nothing. Let's go." Scott tells her, grabbing Jane's hand as he smiles softly. Though, both of them glance back at the locker as they walk away. 


Scott and Jane go back to the locker that gave them that weird feeling. Scott lights the locker with the flashlight on his phone to try to see inside the locker. After falling, he stands up exhaling. 

Scott looks to his sides before looking back at the locker and grabs the lock with both hands, ready to pull it off when a voice interrupts him. 

"Whatcha doin'?" Garrett Douglas questions. 

Scott and Jane turn around to look at him. Scott looks like a deer caught in headlights as he still holds the lock with both hands. 

"Uh, nothing. Just checking out this locker." Scott tells him. 

𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐒 [𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐀𝐌 𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐌!𝐎𝐂]Where stories live. Discover now