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After hearing the story about Mary-Jeanne Valet and Sebastien Valet, Jane and Josh go after Theo since Josh needs to steal back his powers. 

But when they down in the tunnels, after stopping by Jane's apartment so she could bring her daggers and wolfbane grenades, they see Theo alone on the ground. 

"Theo." Jane greets him. 

"Jane." Theo greets and when Josh crouches down in front of his face, Theo's hazel blue eyes widen in shock, surprise and slight fear since he probably sees the vengeance and rage in Josh's eyes. "Josh." 

"Hello, Theo. Did you miss me?" Josh questions, grinning. But his grin disappears and a burning rage crosses his face. "Because I didn't miss you. You stole my power. It hurt. So I'm gonna take it back. Is it even considered stealing if you just take something that's yours back?" 

Josh doesn't give Theo a chance to answer as he sticks his claws into Theo's skin. When Theo took Josh's powers and when Jane brought him back, she also brought back a small part of his powers. Only the claws but it's enough to take it all back. 

Electricity surrenders Theo and Josh. Josh roars as his eyes turn purple and he shows his fangs. Then Theo suddenly passes out and Josh's eyes go back to normal as the electricity slowly disappears. 

Josh takes his fingers out of Theo's chest and looks back at Jane with his dark brown eyes before slowly standing up. 

"Well deserved." Jane comments, giving the Diaz boy a small smile. Josh smiles back. 

"Well deserved." Josh repeats. 


Josh and Jane meet up with Lydia and Kira before the four run towards The Beast, or Sebastien Valet as his name is. 

Lydia gasps as they look at the man. "Mason." She speaks. 

Sebastien turns around and slowly walks towards them. Jane and Josh share a look before bringing out their fangs and their eyes start glowing. Josh collects electricity as Jane collects water. 

Lydia gasps again. 

"I think you're gonna need to try it a little louder." Kira comments between heavy breaths. Sebastien's eyes start glowing blue like The Beast's eyes. 

Suddenly he turns into The Beast. 

"Mason!" Lydia screams as she uses her Banshee scream. The Beast turns into black smoke before Mason gets out of the smoke. 

Suddenly Corey appears from where he camouflaged against the wall and hugs Mason tightly. Josh and Jane share a look before looking at their two friends and grabbing each others' hands. 

Liam looks between Jane and Josh and their hands. He feels slightly jealous but tries to convince himself they're just friends and former packmates. 

The Beast suddenly screams and tries to escape but Jordan holds it so it can't escape. He looks at Scott. "Scott!" 

Scott grabs the pike and throws it at The Beast's heart. The Beast continues screaming. He roars as he slowly disappears and all the smoke is gone. 

The fire on Jordan disappears and his eyes go back to their human green color. They all exhale as they look at each other. 

"Is everyone okay?" Scott questions. 

"Not everyone!" Theo calls out. They hear electricity cracking and see electricity surrounding his body. Josh and Jane share a look, realizing he has a small part of Josh's powers still. But it won't last long with the small amount. 

They look at Theo and Scott lets out a growl. Kira runs forward and Theo tries to take her out with the electricity but she fights it with her sword. Her eyes glow orange. 

"The Skinwalkers have a message for you, Theo." Kira tells him and suddenly the amount of Josh's powers inside Theo disappears. "Your sister wants to see you." 

Kira brings the sword into the ground and the ground cracks as a large and growing crack reach Theo. Out of the hole in the ground, Tara Raeken comes up and looks up at Theo. 

She grabs Theo by his shirt, dragging him down toward the hole. 

Theo looks at Scott. "Scott, help me! No! No! Scott! Help me, Scott! No! Scott! Help me! No! Wait! Wait!" He screams as he finally gets into the hole and the ground restores to how it was before Kira used the sword to create a crack. 


Jane and Josh take different paths as Josh wants to go to the animal clinic to Hayden, and Jane just realizes then that Josh likes Hayden and probably has a crush on her. 

Meanwhile, Jane gets to Liam's house to make up for everything that's been so crazy and messed up about their relationship since she came back. 

"Hey." As Jane speaks, Liam jumps and turns around with wide eyes. 

"Jane! What the hell are you doing? You scared me! I was just hanging up with Mason. He's hanging with Corey. But he won't tomorrow." Liam rambles. 

"I know. I, Corey and Josh are hanging out tomorrow. Hayden too. Since there's no Chimera Pack anymore, there's just...The Core Four. Three Chimeras and a real Werewolf. Josh texted me and told me Scott bit Hayden and turned her into a real Werewolf." Jane explains. 

Liam nods slightly. "So...why are you here?" 

"The Chimera Pack is gone. Theo Raeken is gone. Sebastien Valet is gone. The Dread Doctors are gone. I may still be a Chimera but I'm not forced to be in a pack anymore. Me, Hayden, Corey and Josh are joining the McCall Pack." As Jane speaks, Liam begins to smile happily. 

"You're serious? You're joining the pack? So we do not have to be against each other?" Liam makes sure. 

Jane nods. "Yeah, I'm serious. Liam, I love you. I never wanted to be against you. I just didn't want to die. Theo made sure of that. So what do you say? How about we try working it out? Like, before I died?" 

Liam smiles and doesn't respond. He just walks forward and kisses his girlfriend softly before pulling away for a moment. 

"What?" Jane questions. 

"Just so you know...It never bothered me that you were a Chimera. I don't mind it. It was you being with Theo that was the problem." Liam speaks softly before kissing his Chimera girlfriend again. 

Jane smiles into the kiss, wrapping her arms around Liam's neck. 

𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐒 [𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐀𝐌 𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐌!𝐎𝐂]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu