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Jane, Liam, and Scott walk inside the hospital as Jane and Liam tell Scott what they found in the woods with Mason and Brett. 

"Tracy was buried?" Scott questions. 

"In a hole. Buried alive. Crawled out. Then we found another hole." Liam explains. 

"Who was buried in that one?" Scott questions, looking between Jane and Liam for an answer. Jane glances at Scott quickly, pursing her lips before speaking. 

"I don't know. We don't know. But I think we're gonna want to find out." Jane states before they walk inside the elevator. 

A few seconds later, they step out of the elevator on another floor of the hospital building and towards the pack. 

Just as they arrive, Melissa looks at Theo and praises him. 

"Theo, nice going on that tourniquet. You probably saved her life." Melissa tells him before turning around to the rest of the pack, towards Kira, Scott, and Stiles mostly. Jane notices how Theo glances at Stiles who looks back before looking down. 

"All right, she's about to go into surgery, so it's gonna be a while. Any other supernatural details that I need to know about or do we just stitch her up and hope for the best?" Melissa questions the pack. 

"It was the tail." Kira speaks up softly and Melissa turns to her. 

"Yeah, Tracy cut her with the tail, if that makes a difference." Scott adds to Kira's statement. 

"Okay." Melissa speaks softly, nodding slightly before walking away. 

"But it wasn't just Tracy. There- There were the others." Malia speaks and Stiles nods slightly. "The guys in the masks." 

Stiles swallows before sharing a look with Scott. Jane crosses her arms, sighing before uncrossing her arms and letting Liam grab her hand and give it a gentle squeeze. 


Jane sits beside Theo in AP Biology, listening to Mrs. Finch. She turns around after writing something on the board. 

"If 99.9% of our DNA sequence is the same as other humans, what could account for the missing 0.1% difference?" Mrs. Finch questions. "Theo?" She points her hand at the hazel-eyed boy, making him look up at her. 

"Um, nucleotides." Theo replies, before glancing at Jane who sends him a small impressed smile making Theo smile slightly before looking forward again. 

"Yes, Kira?" Mrs. Finch says as Kira raises her hand in the air. 

"Can there be more than one species in the same DNA?" Kira questions, making Scott look up. 

"No, but there can be multiple sets of DNA in the same individual. We call that a chimera. Anyone knows what that term comes from?" Mrs. Finch questions. 

"Sydney?" Ms. Finch points at the brunette who sits beside Lydia. 

"Greek mythology. It's a lion with a goat coming out of its back and a tail that ends in the head of a snake." Sydney informs. 

"That's right, Sydney. Do you want to read us the full Wikipedia entry off your phone?" Mrs. Finch questions, making Sydney look down in shame as she slowly puts her phone down. 

"But that does get us into the next topic of mutation. As you know from the reading, DNA is a fragile molecule. Isn't it, Scott?" Mrs. Finch questions, raising her voice slightly as she notices Scott not paying attention and writing something down in his notebook. 

Scott looks up at Mrs. Finch immediately. 

"Or did you miss last night's assigned reading?" Mrs. Finch questions as Kira glances at Scott. The sun coming in through the window shines on Scott's eyes, showing his true shade of dark brown eyes. 

𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐒 [𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐀𝐌 𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐌!𝐎𝐂]Where stories live. Discover now