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Jane and Corey walk toward the school, towards the library clean-up that they both signed up to. Mostly to distract themselves from the terrible memories of dying. To distract themselves from their traumatizing experiences. A con with coming back is that you remember your own horrible death. 

Jane and Corey walk in through the school exit doors, seeing Liam and Mason in front of them. They approach them, and Corey grins toothily at the two boys. 

"Hey, guys!" Corey calls out. "Are you volunteering for the library clean-up too?"  He questions. Mason and Liam share a look and weird hand gestures. 

"Y-Yes." They both stammer nervously in unison. 

"Yeah." Liam says before letting out a breath and a stained smile. Jane mentally scoffs, wondering how stupid they think they are. They're formerly dead Chimeras, not stupid. 

Jane and Corey sort books on the bookshelf but after glancing at the side, and seeing Mason approaching them, Jane walks away to another bookshelf and feels Liam's burning gaze on her the entire time. 

"If you've got anything to say, just spill it." Jane whispers lowly, but loud enough for Liam to hear with his super senses. 

"Hi." Liam speaks softly, approaching Jane as she keeps sorting books on the bookshelf and doesn't lift her gaze from the bookshelf. 

"Hey." Jane greets, her gaze at the bookshelf and her tone neutral. "What do you want, Liam? Our last talk was about me dying. Well, I'm back now. So, what's the point?" 

Liam frowns slightly, noticing Mason's theory about the Chimeras' darkened souls to be true. And Jane's soul seems to has darkened more than Hayden's soul. She's colder and more apathetic. 

"I-I just wanted to talk...I missed you." Liam admits in a mumble. 

Jane sighs, finally looking at him. But her eyes are neutral tone along with her facial expression, making Liam feel like he's standing in front of a stranger that looks exactly like his dead girlfriend. 

Jane glances to the side, then back at Liam. "You better go talk to Mason. Looks like you've got things to talk about. And, yeah, some advice...don't ever use Corey for information or anything. His soul didn't darken, as Mason so lovely put it. He's sweet and doesn't need to be used. So, leave him alone and I won't kill you all." She threatens, walking towards Corey and leaving Liam stunned before he slowly walks over to Mason. 


Corey gently grabs Jane's hand before using his powers and camouflaging as they stand leaning against the lockers in the high school. They hear the exit doors open and see Theo walking in. 

The two Chimeras share a look before looking at Theo again. They're both aware that he can sense them. 

"You don't have to hide from me, Corey, Jane." Theo states and Corey immediately stops using his powers, revealing them standing against the lockers holding hands. 

They take one step forward as Theo walks closer to his both betas. 

"We were trying to do something nice." Corey explains themselves. 

"You were trying to do something normal." Theo corrects, glancing between Corey and Jane. "But you don't have to be normal anymore, and you definitely don't have to be nice." 

"Well, I'm not going to hurt them." Corey tells Theo. 

"Look, I don't want you to. In fact, they don't know it yet, but we're going to protect them. Just like how I'm going to protect you." Theo speaks and puts his right hand on Corey's left shoulder and his left hand at Jane's right shoulder. 

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