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Jane and Stiles hold down Brett's body as the yellow-colored wolfsbane comes out of his mouth. Brett grunts as his body shake up and down as he coughs out the wolfsbane. 

"What the hell is happening to this kid?" Stiles questions, trying to hold him down. Derek stands on the other side of Brett's body, helping to hold him down. 

"He's been poisoned by a rare wolfsbane," Deaton tells the boy as he walks over to them with quick steps. "I need to make an incision and you need to hold him as still as possible." 

"Hey, Derek, how about a little werewolf strength?" Stiles questions, as Brett struggles even more in their grip. 

"Yeah, I'm not the only one with werewolf strength here." Derek snaps, trying to hold Brett still. 

"If you can't hold him still, the incision might kill him," Deaton states, as Derek glances at him before looking down at Brett who starts grunting again. 

"I think he's slipping. I don't think I can hold him." Stiles confesses. 

Brett's eyes start changing color to a gold color. He grunts and throws them all at the walls, except for Jane. 

Brett looks at them and turns around to make an escape when Peter knocks him down on the floor with a hit of his fist and his eyes glow blue. 

Peter looks at Derek, blinking one time and his eyes are back to their natural lighter blue color. "I guess I still have a little werewolf strength myself." 

"Yeah, maybe more than a little," Derek states, making Peter grin. 

Derek glances down at his arm with three scratch marks that haven't healed yet. 

"Hey, doc, I don't think he's breathing," Stiles states, crouching down to Brett beside Jane who's already on the floor and holding Brett's hand. 

Deaton crouches down next to Stiles and the two Hale werewolves turn their eyes to the unconscious young werewolf and the three humans. 

Deaton cuts through the yellow-colored wolfsbane in the middle of his chest and yellow steam comes out as he cuts with the small surgeon knife. The Talbot grunts before he suddenly stops. 

"Is he okay?" Stiles questions, breaking the silence. 

"I think he'll be fine with no problem, but he'll probably be out for a while." Deaton answers. 

Derek glances down at the three scratch marks on his arm again, before looking up. Peter glances at the scratch marks too before looking down at Brett. 

Suddenly, Brett begins to whisper. 

"Guys, do you hear that?" Stiles questions. "I think he's saying something." 

Deaton leans down his ear to Brett's mouth, trying to make out what he's saying. 

"The sun...The moon...The truth...The sun...The moon...The truth..." Brett keeps whispering. 

Deaton sits back straight up. "Three things cannot long be hidden. The sun, the moon, and the truth" He quotes before glancing up at Derek. "It's Buddhist." 

Peter and Derek share a look. Peter looks down in realization. 

"Satomi," Peter states as he looks back at Derek. 


"Somebody needs to stay with Brett. He's still a target. And I don't think he could recover in an animal clinic. He needs food, sleep, a real bed." Deaton speaks. 

"I can do it," Jane states quickly before Peter or Derek can say a word, or even let out a breath. They all turn to her. "What? I can just tell my brother he's my...friend." 

𝐖𝐎𝐋𝐕𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐑𝐀𝐒 [𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐀𝐌 𝐗 𝐅𝐄𝐌!𝐎𝐂]Where stories live. Discover now