Chapter VIII: Act X

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Intel from The Eremites
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"Ad astra abyssosque! Hello, Traveler, Paimon, (Y/n), and (F/n)," Katheryne greeted.

'Add extra applesauce... Actually, that sounds good about now. Mmh, cinnamon~' (F/n) thought, thinking about one of the small sweet treats that they enjoyed.

"Katheryne! We need your help with something!" Paimon exclaimed.

Katheryne nodded her head as she looked at the group in front of her. "Understood. The Adventures'Guild is always ready to serve you. With what do you require assistance?" She asked.

"We want to meet with Lesser Lord Kusanali. Do you know a way we can do that?" Paimon retorted.

"You four wish to meet with Sumeru's archon. Understood. Please wait..." Katheryne trailed off.

The group waited for a possible answer.

After a few seconds, Katheryne shook her head. "I apologize, but I am unable to call up any relevant information in the Akasha. I'm also unable to locate any pertinent information in my personal memory," she said in an apologetic tone.

Paimon huffed lightly. "Aw, another dead end. Well, if Katheryne can't help us, then we really don't know anyone else to ask now..." She mumbled.

"Please do not worry. I may know of someone who can help you four. In Sumeru, the Adventures' Guild does not serve as the vanguard of information. Rather, there are numerous active mercenary groups, collectively known as The Eremites," Katheryne began to explain.

(F/n)'s eyes sparkled when they saw what Katheryne was thinking of. 'Dehya! Dehya! Dehya!' They quietly cheered in their head, bouncing on the balls of their feet in excitement.

"They take on various contracts and work all across Sumeru, so they naturally accrue intelligence. An Eremite brigade called the Corps of Thirty is in charge of Sumeru City's defenses. Not only are they the oldest brigade, but they are responsible for managing and coordinating the affairs of all other mercenary brigades," Katheryne finished explaining.

"Corps of Thirty? What a weird name..." Paimon points out.

(Y/n) sent a deadpan look over at the young female. 'Like you could do any better.' He thought.

"Supposedly, they are named as such because their ranks numbered thirty at their inception. Asfand, an adviser with the Corps of Thirty, maintains good relations with the Adventures' Guild. Though he's already retired, he and his words carry great weight within mercenary circles. If you'd like to get in contact with him, you can find him at the Corps of Thirty's headquarters, the Citadel of Regzar," Katheryne continued.

"Thanks a bunch, Katheryne!" Aether replied.

(F/n)'s tail swayed in anticipation as they started to pull at the hem of (Y/n)'s shirt.

(Y/n) side-eyed the teenager beside him with a raised brow when he took notice of how the slightly younger figure was becoming jittery with excitement for some unknown reason.

"You're welcome. I wish you four the best of luck. We look forward to your exploits in Sumeru," Katheryne says.


"Welcome! The Adventures' Guild told me to expect you four," Asfand, a consultant, greeted with a bow of his head.

The group of four came to a stop in front of the older male.

"It's nice to meet you, Asfand! We'd like to ask you about something," Paimon exclaimed.

Asfand raised a questioning brow at this as Aether told him what they were here for.

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