One Last Memory

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A duo could be seen walking side by side as one of them was casually scrolling through their phone with tall and short buildings going past them.

"Have you tried for Yoimiya's banner yet, (Y/n)? You have Xiao already, along with multiple other five stars, but not Yoimiya. Who the hell are you saving for?" A figure with misty vibrant blue-dyed hair asked.

A boy with (H/l) (H/c) locks looked at the figure beside them and deadpanned. "(F/n) my dear, those were just lucky pulls." The boy pointed out.

"No shit! Your luck is better than me trying to get fucking Klee's banner and lose her to a 50/50 Diluc!" (F/n) complained.

(Y/n) nervously laughed at his friend. He was unsure what to say since this always happened whenever one of them lost a 50/50 character they've been saving for.

"Maybe you'll have to wait for Klee's banner again." (Y/n) nervously replied.

(F/n) glared lightly, "And wait for another year or two? Fuck no, I'd rather wait for Childe or Thoma."

Sweat dripped down the side of the (H/c)ette's face while the other placed their phone back into their pocket.

"You're a giant bitch, you know?" (F/n) huffed out despite holding a small smile on their lips.

"I know, you tell me that every single day." (Y/n) responded with a light chuckle.

"It's true, and you better not forget it!" (F/n) huffed out.

"Yeah, yeah." The (H/c)ette playfully rolled his eyes.

"So... who have you been using as a main this month?" (F/n) asked with a teasing grin.

(Y/n) flushed due to the embarrassment he felt and sighed heavily. "...Albedo..." He whispered.

"The fucking audacity." (F/n) joked.

"Welcome to hell, bitch." (Y/n) joked back.

"Why are we simping for fictional characters again?" The bluenette asked with a questioning gaze.

"Why? My child, it's because we're the best bitches out there who don't give a shit whether we're being questioned or not about our sexuality." (Y/n) casually answered.

"That is true." (F/n) agreed.

"So, are you still going to try to pull for Xiao? I mean, he is the Conqueror of Demons." The bluenette points out.

(Y/n) shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. Might save up a bit more," he replied.

(F/n) pouted playfully. "You're going to miss out."

"I've been missing out since I lost that 50/50 for Chongyun despite him being a four-star." (Y/n) states. "You STILL don't have him!?" (F/n) gasped in horror despite holding back a laugh.

"Mmh." (Y/n) mumbled out in disappointment.

(F/n) snickered. "Of course. You like to crush on the cute boys, which females have you crushed on?" They teased.

(Y/n) casually held up a finger causing (F/n) to pale a bit in realization. "J-Just name at least three, not all of them you idiot!" They exclaimed in a hurry.

(Y/n) blinked as his (E/c) hues made contact with (F/n)'s dark blue eyes.

"My top three? Um... Lisa, Jean, and... I believe Lumine," (Y/n) answered despite being confused.

(F/n) nodded their head in agreement. "Boys?" They asked.

"Diluc for sure, Aether cause why the fuck not? And Albedo." (Y/n) casually answered with a smile of amusement slipping onto his lips.

"Right. Right. Now for the big question, if you were in Genshin Impact what weapon would you like to use? And what Vision would you use big time?" (F/n) asked with a raised brow.

"Hmm, that's a hard question in a way. I would be between Dendro and Anemo. My weapon? Catalyst or polearm all the way," (Y/n) simply answered.

"Dendro? Damn." (F/n) huffed out with a laugh.

"Now what would you use?" (Y/n) asked, finally realizing how he and (F/n) were walking across a crosswalk.

"Cryo just so I can freeze us in an endless time roundabout, and a bow." (F/n) replied with a shrug of their shoulders.

"Oh yeah, you do archery, don't you?" (Y/n) states with realization.

"How in the hell did you forget about that?" (F/n) asked in disbelief.

"Watch out!" A voice from the sidewalks hollered.

(Y/n) and (F/n) jerked their heads over and noticed a car coming straight at them without a single care in the world despite the light being red.

(F/n) felt a hard push causing them to fall onto the concrete road. "(Y/n)!" They screamed.

Cries of horror were heard as the driver that caused the scene kept driving off, not caring that they had hit someone.

(Y/n) could be seen laying on his side with blood starting to soak into the ground and stain his hands.

(F/n) scrambled over to their friend and place their hands on the badly injured figure's arm. "(Y)-(Y/n)?" They whimpered out with tears gathering up in their eyes.

"The police and ambulance are on their way, young ones! Make sure he doesn't lose consciousness!" Someone shouted.

(F/n) bit the inside of their cheek as tears dripped down to the bloody road.

A weak laugh left (Y/n) lips. "Do...n't idiot." He whispered out. (F/n)'s body shook when those words left their best friend and childhood friend's lips.

"Why can't I cry?! Y-You just got hit!" (F/n) choked out.

(Y/n) tiredly reached a hand out to (F/n) who instantly held it. "Because... tears don't look good on you," he whispered.

(F/n)'s teary eyes widened a bit before softening. "You sly son of bitch," they laughed.

"Just don't forget me, yeah? If reincarnation is real, become the best bitch in your new life and gain yourself a harem while at it." They joked.

" it." (Y/n) whispered as he felt his life slipping away.

"I'm gonna miss you... dear friend," (F/n) whispered as they watched the other die in front of them.


Loud cries echoed throughout a room as a newborn baby boy was born into the world.

A woman in her early twenties stared at the newborn in her arms with a gentle smile on her lips.

"You look just like your father, little one." She breathed out despite having a pained look in her eyes, recalling her deceased husband's excitement of meeting their child once they were born.

The baby cooed softly as huge (E/c) hues and star-shaped pupils stared up at the woman in front of them in awe.

"Welcome to the world, my dear (Y/n). My little Khaenri'ah elf." The woman whispered while gently running a thumb over her child's nose.

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